Set and Revert Log Levels: Temporarily change the log level and revert after a specified duration.
Flexible JSON Parsing: Uses
for JSON parsing if available; defaults tojq
otherwise.Detachable Session Execution: Runs in a detachable session using
, allowing the script to continue running independently of the terminal session. If bothscreen
are installed, the script will prioritizescreen
first.Supports Cluster and Node Log Levels: Allows setting log level at both the cluster and individual node levels.
Log File Auto-Detection: Automatically detects and adjust the
file path forCSN
environments.Log Size Monitoring: Reports the log size generated during the temporary log level change.
Countdown Display: Shows a countdown for the specified duration.
Code Block |
./castor-change-log-level.sh -d -p admin:datacore -i 20 -t 600 |
Example 2: Set node(s) log level to debug (10) and keep it for 10 minutes
Code Block |
./castor-change-log-level.sh -d, -p admin:datacore -i debug -t 600 |
Example 3: Run in
detachable mode
Code Block |
./castor-change-log-level.sh -d -p admin:datacore -i 20 -t 30 -D |
The at
command can used to schedule the script to run at a later time. This is useful when you need to start collecting debug logs at a specific hour.
Example 4: Secure password prompt if password are not provided
Code Block |
./castor-change-log-level.sh -p admin -d -i 10 -t 300 |
(You will be prompted to enter the password securely.)
Code Block |
./castor-change-log-level.sh -p admin -d -i 10 -t 300
Enter password for user admin: |
Example 5: Schedule the script to run at 3:00 AM on 03/02/2025 and collect debug logs of node
for 1 hour
Ensure the at service is installed, enabled and running
Code Block dnf -y install epel-release dnf -y install at atd systemctl enable --now at
Schedule the script execution using
:Code Block echo "/root/dist/castor-change-log-level.sh -i -p admin:datacore -d -L ',' 10 -t 3600" | at 03:00 AM 03/02/2025
To verify scheduled job:
Code Block atq 7 Sun Mar 02 03:00:00 2025 a root
To remove a scheduled job (replace
with the actual job number fromatq
output):Code Block atrm 7
Log Level Change: Sets the log level to the specified value. If the current log level matches the requested level, the script skips the update.
Countdown: During the specified duration, the script displays a countdown every second.
Revert Log Level: After the countdown, the log level reverts to the initial value.
Log Size Report: Provides approximately log size generated during the temporary log level change.
Output Messages
Swarm IP:
Displays the specified Swarm IP address.
Cluster Name:
Displays the cluster name retrieved from the Swarm API.
New log level:
Shows the new log level requested.
Current log level:
Displays the current log level.
Updating log level to X...
Indicates the beginning of the log level update process.
Reattaching to a Detached Session
For more details on using screen and tmux, refer to their official documentation:
If you accidentally close your terminal (e.g. putty, iterm2, etc) while the script is running in a detached session, you can reattach using the following commands:
For screen
List active
session:Code Block screen -ls
Reattach to the session:
Code Block screen -r <session_name>
For tmux
List active
sessions:Code Block tmux ls
Reattach to the session:
Code Block tmux a -t <session_name>
If the session has ended or was not found, you may need to restart the script manually.
Log Level Change: Sets the log level to the specified value. If the current log level matches the requested level, the script skips the update.
Countdown: During the specified duration, the script displays a countdown every second.
Revert Log Level: After the countdown, the log level reverts to the initial value.
Log Size Report: Provides approximately log size generated during the temporary log level change.
Output Messages
Message | Description |
| Displays the specified Swarm IP address. |
| Displays the cluster name retrieved from the Swarm API. |
| Shows the new log level requested. |
| Displays the current log level. |
| Indicates the beginning of the log level update process. |
| Confirms that the log level was successfully updated. |
| Shows the temporary period for which the new log level is retained, with a countdown. |
| Indicates that the temporary period has ended and the script is reverting the log level. |
| Provides information on the amount of logging activity generated during the temporary log level. |
Code Block | ||
| ||
#!/bin/bash # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script: castor-change-log-level.sh # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # This script changes the log level for the Castor cluster or node(s) using the Swarm API. # The script supports changing the log level for the entire cluster or individual node(s). # The script can run in a detachable session using 'screen' or 'tmux'. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Written by Milton Suen (milton.suen@datacore.com) Oct 31, 2024 # Revision History: # v1.0.0 - Update to support running the script in a detachable session using screen or tmux. # v1.1.0 - 2025-02-20 Add support node(s) level log level change. # v1.2.0 - 2025-02-26 SUPSCR-208: # - Enforced proper credential formatting: credentials must be in the username:password format. # - Fixed help message shows script name without hard code it. # v1.2.1 - 2025-02-26 SUPSCR-209: Auto detect CSN or SCS to adjust castor.log file path. # v1.2.2 - 2025-02-27 Address the issue of the script not display correct when the castor.log file is rotated. # v1.2.3 - 2025-02-27 Address the issue of log level not display correct within detach session. # v1.2.4 - 2025-02-27 Bug fix: The default node-level log level is 0 (unset), which differs from the cluster-level default of 30. # v1.2.5 - 2025-02-28 SUPSCR-208: # - Credentials validation and password prompt enhancements. # - screen or tmux required with detachable mode, script will stopped with '-D' option if neither is installed. # - Fixed an issue where users were prompted to enter password multiple times issue. # - Passwords are now hidden in debug output messages. # v1.2.6 - 2025-02-28 SUPSCR-208: # - Disabled credential display on the screen. # - Bug fix: Resolved the "debug: command not found" error when removing the -d [IP address] option. # v1.3.0 - 2025-02-28 minorMinor bug fix and enhancement. # v1.3.1 - 2025-03-01 SUPSCR-208: # - Fixed an issue where credentials enclosed in single quotes (') were not processed correctly. # v1.3.2 - 2025-03-02 minorMinor bug fix and enhancement. # v1.3.3 - 2025-03-02 Fixed tmux command to long issue. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Current Version: 1.3.23 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # KB: https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/3872161835/Setting+and+Managing+Swarm+Log+Levels+with+script # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define colors RED='\033[0;31m' BOLD_RED='\033[1;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' BOLD_GREEN='\033[1;32m' UNDERLINE_BOLD_GREEN='\033[4;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' BOLD_YELLOW='\033[1;33m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' BOLD_BLUE='\033[1;34m' MAGENTA='\033[0;35m' BOLD_MAGENTA='\033[1;35m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' BOLD_CYAN='\033[1;36m' RESET='\033[0m' # Reset color to default SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename "$0") # Function to display usage information usage() { echo "" echo "Usage: ./$SCRIPT_NAME -d swarm_ip -p admin:password [-i new_log_level | -L new_node_log_level] [-t duration_in_seconds] [-D]" echo " -d, --swarm_ip IP address of the Swarm API endpoint. Supports single or multiple IPs separated by \",\", \";\" or \" \"." echo " ;36m' RESET='\033[0m' # Reset color to default SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename "$0") # Function to display usage information usage() { echo -e "" echo -e "${BOLD_GREEN}Usage:${RESET} ./$SCRIPT_NAME -d swarm_ip -p admin:password [-i new_log_level | -L new_node_log_level] [-t duration_in_seconds] [-D | --detach]" echo -e " -d, --swarm_ip IP address of the Swarm API endpoint. Supports single or multiple IPs separated by \",\", \";\" or \" \"." echo -e " If multiple IPs are provided, the script will update the log level for all nodes." echo -e " (Alternatively, set the SCSP_HOST environment variable to the Swarm IP.)" echo -e " -p, --credentials Credentials in the format admin:password" echo -e " -i, --log.level Set cluster log level to set (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50)" echo -e " Aliases: chatter, debug, announce, info, error, critical, default." echo -e " -L, --node.log.level Set node log level to set (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50)" echo -e " Aliases: chatter, debug, announce, info, error, critical, default." echo -e " **Either -i or -L must be specified, but not both.**" echo -e " -t, --time (Optional) Duration in seconds to keep the new log level (must be greater than 0)" echo -e " -D, --detach (Optional) Detach the script from the current terminal and run in a detachable session using screen or tmux" echo -e "" exit 1 } # Default options detachable=false debug=false output_log="castor-change-log-level_output.log" # Log file for capturing detachable session output # log_level_type="cluster" # Default log level type # default_log_level=30 # Default log level log_file="/var/log/datacore/castor.log" # Default log file location SCRIPTDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) JQLOCATION=$SCRIPTDIR/jq MAX_RETRIES=3 # Maximum number of password retries attempts username="admin" # Default username password="" # Default password # Global associative array for log levels declare -A log_levels=( [5]="chatter" [10]="debug" [15]="audit" [20]="info" [30]="warning" [40]="error" [45]="defect" [50]="critical" [60]="announce" ) # Global associative array for log level names declare -A log_level_names=( ["chatter"]=5 ["debug"]=10 ["audit"]=15 ["info"]=20 ["warning"]=30 ["error"]=40 ["defect"]=45 ["critical"]=50 ["announce"]=60 ) # Separate default values for cluster and node levels declare -A default_log_levels=( ["cluster"]=30 ["node"]=0 ) # Separate default values for cluster and node level names declare -A default_log_level_names=( ["cluster"]="default" ["node"]="default" ) # Function to get the current timestamp timestamp() { date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ" } # Function to display debug messages if debug mode is enabled debug_msg() { if $debug; then local caller_func=${FUNCNAME[1]:-main} # Fallback to "unknown" if empty local caller_line=${BASH_LINENO[0]:-unknown} # Fallback to "unknown" if empty echo -e "$(timestamp) [DEBUG] ($caller_func:$caller_line) $*" fi } # Function to check if either 'screen' or 'tmux' is installed check_screen_or_tmux() { if ! command -v screen &>/dev/null && ! command -v tmux &>/dev/null; then echo -e "" echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e " ${YELLOW}Warning${RESET}: Neither '${BOLD_GREEN}screen${RESET}' nor '${BOLD_GREEN}tmux${RESET}' is installed. Cannot run in detachable mode." echo -e " Please install either '${BOLD_GREEN}screen${RESET}' or '${BOLD_GREEN}tmux${RESET}' to run the script in a detachable session." echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" detachable=false # Disable detachable session usage fi } # Function to format file size format_size() { local size=$1 if (( size >= 1073741824 )); then echo "$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.1fGB\", $size/1073741824}")" elif (( size >= 1048576 )); then echo "$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.1fMB\", $size/1048576}")" elif (( size >= 1024 )); then echo "$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.1fKB\", $size/1024}")" else echo "${size}B" fi } # Function to format duration format_duration() { local duration=$1 local hours=$((duration / 3600)) local minutes=$(( (duration % 3600) / 60 )) local seconds=$((duration % 60)) printf "%02d:%02d:%02d" $hours $minutes $seconds } # Function to check if jq is available and set up JSON parsing method check_jq() { for jq_path in "/usr/local/bin/jq" "$(pwd)/jq"; do [[ -x "$jq_path" ]] && echo "$jq_path" && return done command -v jq &>/dev/null && echo "jq" || echo "grep" } if [[ -f "$JQLOCATION" ]]; then jq_or_grep=$JQLOCATION else jq_or_grep=$(check_jq) fi debug_msg "jq_or_grep: $jq_or_grep" #jq_or_grep=$(check_jq) # Function to determine the log file path determine_log_file() { for log in "/var/log/datacore/castor.log" "/var/log/caringo/castor.log"; do if [[ -f "$log" ]]; then If multiple IPsecho are"$log" provided, the script will update the log level for all nodes." return echo " fi done echo -e "${RED}Error: Log file not found.${RESET}" exit (Alternatively,1 set} the SCSP_HOST environment variable to the Swarm IP.)" echo " -p, --credentialslog_file=$(determine_log_file) # Function to check if credentials are valid check_credentials() { local CREDENTIALS="$1" Credentials in the format admin:passwordlocal SWARM_IP="$2" echodebug_msg "Credentials: [hidden -i, --log.levelfor security]" debug_msg "Swarm IP: $SWARM_IP" New cluster log level to# setAPI (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, chatter, debug, announce, info, error, critical, default)" echo " -L, --node.log.level New node log level to set (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, chatter, debug, announce, info, error, critical, default)" echo " **Either -i or -L must be specified, but not both.**" echo " -t, --time endpoint for validating user credentials local VALIDATE_URL="http://${SWARM_IP}:91/api/validateUser" debug_msg "Validate URL: $VALIDATE_URL" # Make the API request debug_msg "Validating user credentials..." debug_msg "curl -s -u \"********\" -X GET \"$VALIDATE_URL\" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'" RESPONSE=$(curl -s -u "$CREDENTIALS" -X GET "$VALIDATE_URL" -H 'Content-Type: application/json') debug_msg "Validate User Response: $RESPONSE" # Check if the response contains "isValid": true if echo "$RESPONSE" | "$jq_or_grep" -e '.isValid == true' > /dev/null 2>&1; then (Optional) Duration in seconds to keep the new log level (must be greater than 0)" echo " -D, --detach (Optional) Detach the script from the current terminal and run in a detachable session using screen or tmux debug_msg "Authentication successful for user '${CREDENTIALS%%:*}'" return 0 # Success elif echo "$RESPONSE" | "$jq_or_grep" -e '.isValid == false' > /dev/null 2>&1; then debug_msg "Authentication failed for user '${CREDENTIALS%%:*}'" echo "" return 1 exit 1# }Failure # Default options detachable=false debug=false output_log="castor-change-log-level_output.log" # Log file for capturing detachable session output log_level_type="cluster" # Default log level type default_log_level=30 # Default log level log_file="/var/log/datacore/castor.log" else debug_msg "Error: Unable to validate credentials. Please check your inputs." #return 1 Default log# fileFailure location SCRIPTDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) JQLOCATION=$SCRIPTDIR/jq MAX_RETRIES=3 fi } # Function to print credentials - hide password print_credentials() { local CREDENTIALS="$1" local USERNAME="${CREDENTIALS%%:*}" echo -e "${GREEN}$USERNAME${RESET}":"${GREEN}********${RESET}" } # Parse input arguments while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do # Maximum number ofcase password$1 retriesin attempts username="admin" -d|--swarm_ip) swarm_ip="$2"; debug_msg "Set swarm_ip to $swarm_ip"; shift 2 ;; -p|--credentials) # Default username passwordcredentials="$2" shift 2 ;; -i|--log.level) if [[ -n "$new_log_level" ]]; #then Default password # Global associative array for log levels declare -A log_levels=( echo [5]="chatter" [10]="debug" [15]="audit" [20]="info"Error: Options -i (cluster log leve) and -L (node log level) cannot be used together." [30]="warning" [40]="error" [45]="defect" usage [50]="critical" [60]="announce" [30]="default" )fi # Global associative array for log level names declare -A log_level_namestype=("cluster" ["chatter"]=5 ["debug"]=10 if [[ ["audit"]=15${log_level_names[$2]} ]]; then ["info"]=20 ["warning"]=30 ["error"]=40new_log_level=${log_level_names[$2]} ["defect"]=45 ["critical"]=50 elif ["announce"]=60 [[ "$2" == "default" ]=30]; )then # Function to get the current timestamp timestamp() { date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ" } # Function to display debug messages if debug mode is enabled debug_msg() { if $debug; then new_log_level=${default_log_levels[$log_level_type]} new_log_level_name="default" elif local caller_line=[[ ${BASHlog_LINENOlevels[0$2]:-unknown} ]]; #then Fallback to "unknown" if empty echo -e "$(timestamp) [DEBUG] (Line $caller_line) $*" fi } # Function to check if either 'screen' or 'tmux' is installed check_screen_or_tmux() { new_log_level=$2 else if ! command -v screen &>/dev/null && ! command -vecho tmux &>/dev/null; then "Invalid log level: $2" echo -e "" exit 1 echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi echo -e " ${YELLOW}Warning${RESET}: Neither '${BOLD_GREEN}screen${RESET}' nor '${BOLD_GREEN}tmux${RESET}' is installed. Cannot run in detachable mode."new_log_level_name=${log_levels[$new_log_level]} default_log_level=30 debug_msg "Set new_log_level to $new_log_level ($new_log_level_name)" shift 2 echo -e " ;; Please install either '${BOLD_GREEN}screen${RESET}' or '${BOLD_GREEN}tmux${RESET}' to run the script in a detachable session." -L|--node.log.level) if echo[[ -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"n "$new_log_level" ]]; then echo -e """Error: Options -i (cluster log leve) and -L (node log level) cannot be used together." usage detachable=false #fi Disable detachable session debug_msg "detachable=${YELLOW}false${RESET}log_level_type="node" debug_msg "Stopping the script..." if [[ ${log_level_names[$2]} ]]; then exit 1 fi } # Function to format file size format_size() { new_log_level=${log_level_names[$2]} local size=$1 elif if (( size >= 1073741824 ))[[ "$2" == "default" ]]; then echo "$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.1fGB\", $size/1073741824}")" new_log_level=${default_log_levels[$log_level_type]} elif (( size >= 1048576 )); then new_log_level_name="default" echo "$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.1fMB\", $size/1048576}")" elif (( size >= 1024 )) [[ ${log_levels[$2]} || $2 -eq 0 ]]; then echo "$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.1fKB\", $size/1024}")" new_log_level=$2 else echo "${size}B" fi }new_log_level_name="default" # Function to format duration format_duration() { else local duration=$1 local hours=$((duration / 3600)) local minutes=$(( (duration % 3600) / 60 )) echo "Invalid log level: $2" local seconds=$((duration % 60)) printf "%02d:%02d:%02d" $hours $minutes $seconds }exit 1 # Function to check if jq is available and set up JSON parsingfi method check_jq() { if [[ -x "/usr/local/bin/jq" ]]; then new_log_level_name=${log_levels[$new_log_level]} echo "/usr/local/bin/jq" default_log_level=0 elif [[ -x "$(pwd)/jq" ]]; then debug_msg "Set new_log_level to echo "$(pwd)/jq$new_log_level ($new_log_level_name)" elif command -v jq &>/dev/null; then shift 2 echo "jq" else ;; echo "grep" fi }-t|--time) if [[ -f "$JQLOCATION" ]]; then jq_or_grep=$JQLOCATION else jq_or_grep=$(check_jq) fi debug_msg "jq_or_grep: $jq_or_grep" #jq_or_grep=$(check_jq) # Function to determine the log file path determine_log_file() {if [[ -n "$2" && "$2" != -* && "$2" -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ -f "/var/log/datacore/castor.log" ]]; thenduration="$2" echo "/var/log/datacore/castor.log" debug_msg "Set duration to $duration" elif [[ -f "/var/log/caringo/castor.log" ]]; then shift 2 echo "/var/log/caringo/castor.log" else else echo "Error: Log file not found in /var/log/datacore/castor.log or /var/log/caringo/castor.log" echo -e "" exit 1 fi } log_file=$(determine_log_file) # Function toecho check if credentials are valid check_credentials() { local CREDENTIALS="$1" local SWARM_IP="$2"-e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" debug_msg "Credentials: [hidden for security]" echo debug_msg "Swarm IP: $SWARM_IP" # API endpoint for validating user credentials local VALIDATE_URL="http://${SWARM_IP}:91/api/validateUser" debug_msg "Validate URL: $VALIDATE_URL" # Make the API request debug_msg "Validating user credentials..." debug_msg "curl -s -u \"********\" -X GET \"$VALIDATE_URL\" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'" RESPONSE=$(curl -s -u "$CREDENTIALS" -X GET "$VALIDATE_URL" -H 'Content-Type: application/json') debug_msg "Validate User Response: $RESPONSE" # Check if the response contains "isValid": true if echo "$RESPONSE" | "$jq_or_grep" -e '.isValid == true' > /dev/null 2>&1; then-e " ${RED}Error${RESET}: Duration must be a number greater than ${BOLD_GREEN}0${RESET}." echo -e " Please specify the duration using the ${BOLD_GREEN}-t${RESET} ${GREEN}<seconds>${RESET} or ${BOLD_GREEN}--time${RESET} ${GREEN}<seconds>${RESET} option." echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" usage debug_msg "Authentication successful for user '${CREDENTIALS%%:*}'"fi return 0 #;; Success elif echo "$RESPONSE" -D| "$jq_or_grep" -e '.isValid == false' > /dev/null 2>&1; then--detach) detachable=true; debug_msg "Set detachable to true"; shift ;; --debug) debug=true; debug_msg "AuthenticationSet debug failedto fortrue userwith '${CREDENTIALS%%:*}'" YELLOW}--debug${RESET}"; shift ;; *) usage ;; returnesac 1done # Failure else debug_msg "Error: Unable to validate credentials. Please check your inputs." return 1 # Failure fi } # Function to print credentials - hide password print_credentials() { local CREDENTIALS="$1" local USERNAME="${CREDENTIALS%%:*}" echo -e "${GREEN}$USERNAME${RESET}":"${GREEN}********${RESET}" } # Parse input arguments while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -d|--swarm_ip) swarm_ip="$2"; debug_msg "Set swarm_ip to $swarm_ip"; shift 2 ;; -p|--credentials)debug_msg "Set log_level_type to ${YELLOW}$log_level_type${RESET}" # Check if 'screen' or 'tmux' is installed if [[ "$detachable" == true ]]; then if [[ -z "$duration" ]]; then echo -e "" echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e " ${RED}Error${RESET}: Duration must be specified when running in detachable mode." echo -e " Please specify the duration using the ${BOLD_GREEN}-t${RESET} or ${BOLD_GREEN}--time${RESET} option." echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" usage credentials="$2" fi check_screen_or_tmux fi # If swarm_ip is shiftnot 2provided, ;;try using -i|--log.level) SCSP_HOST environment variable if [[ -z "$swarm_ip" ]]; then if [[ -n "$new$SCSP_log_levelHOST" ]]; then swarm_ip="$SCSP_HOST" echo debug_msg "Error:Using OptionsSwarm -iIP (cluster log leve) and -L (node log level) cannot be used together."from SCSP_HOST: $swarm_ip" else echo "Error: swarm_ip not provided and SCSP_HOST is not set." usage usage fi fi # Check if required arguments are provided if [[ -z "$credentials" if [[ ${|| -z "$new_log_level_names[$2]}" ]]; then usage fi # Split the swarm_ip into an array of IP addresses if it contains delimiters IFS=';, ' read -r -a new_log_level=${log_level_names[$2]} elif [[ ${log_levels[$2]}ip_array <<< "$swarm_ip" # Validate credentials before proceeding debug_msg "Validating credentials..." #if [[ "$credentials" =~ ^[^:]+$ ]]; then if [[ -n "$credentials" ]]; then CREDENTIALS="$credentials" new_log_level=$2ATTEMPT=$MAX_RETRIES USERNAME="" PASSWORD="" else debug_msg "CREDENTIALS: $(print_credentials "$CREDENTIALS")" echo "Invalid log level: $2debug_msg "ATTEMPT: $ATTEMPT" # # Capture the original command as executed by exitthe 1user # ORIGINAL_INPUT=$(ps -o args= -p $$) fi # debug_msg "ORIGINAL_INPUT: $ORIGINAL_INPUT" # new_log_level_name=${log_levels[$new_log_level]} Check if credentials contain a colon (username:password format) if log_level_type="cluster[[ "$CREDENTIALS" == *":"* ]]; then default_log_level=30 debug_msg "Checking for colon in credentials..." debug_msg "Set new_log_level to $new_log_level ($new_log_level_name)Credentials contain colon" shift 2USERNAME="${CREDENTIALS%%:*}" PASSWORD="${CREDENTIALS#*:}" ;; debug_msg "Username: $USERNAME" -L|--node.log.level) debug_msg "Password: $PASSWORD" if [[ -n "$new_log_level" ]]; then # Define special characters that may cause issues debug_msg "Defining echospecial "Error: Options -i (cluster log leve) and -L (node log level) cannot be used together."characters..." SPECIAL_CHARS="!@#\$%^&*()_+{}|:<>?~\`-=[]\\;',./\"" debug_msg "Special characters: $SPECIAL_CHARS" usage # Debug: Show the final regex pattern fi debug_msg "Special characters regex: $SPECIAL_REGEX" if [[ ${log_level_names[$2]} ]]; then # Check if password start with '$' new_log_level=${log_level_names[$2]} # When credentials contains ":" and password is empty elif [[ ${log_levels[$2]} || $2 -eq 0 ]]; then# it will be treated as environment variable new_log_level=$2 # Bash will try to expand the variable and if new_log_level_name="default" it starts with '$' if [[ else-z "$PASSWORD" ]]; then echodebug_msg "InvalidPassword logis level: $2" empty, bash may interpret the password as an environment variable." exit 1 echo -e "" fi echo -e "${RED}Error${RESET}: Password cannot start new_log_level_name=${log_levels[$new_log_level]}with '${BOLD_YELLOW}\$'${RESET}." log_level_type="node" echo -e "Bash may interpret the password as an environment variable." default_log_level=0 echo -e "To prevent issues, enclose debug_msg "Set new_log_level to $new_log_level ($new_log_level_name)the password in single quotes (${BOLD_YELLOW}'${RESET})." shiftecho 2-e "Example: ${BOLD_YELLOW}'${RESET}${GREEN}admin:\$password123${RESET}${BOLD_YELLOW}'${RESET}" ;; echo -e "" -t|--time) exit 1 if [[ -n "$2" &&fi "$2" != -* && "$2" -gt 0 ]]; then # Validate credentials duration="$2" check_credentials "$CREDENTIALS" "${ip_array[0]}" if [[ debug_msg "Set duration to $duration"$? -ne 0 ]]; then debug_msg "Invalid credentials. Please check shiftyour 2username and password." else echo -e "" echo -e "Error${RED}Error${RESET}: DurationInvalid mustcredentials. bePlease acheck numberyour greaterusername thanand 0password." echo -e "If your password exitcontains 1special characters, enclose it in single quotes (${BOLD_YELLOW}'${RESET}) to prevent misinterpretation by the fisystem." ;;echo -e "${GREEN}Special characters include${RESET}: ${YELLOW}$SPECIAL_CHARS${RESET}" -D|--detach) detachable=true; debug_msg "Set detachable to true"; shift ;;echo -e "" --debug) debug=true; debug_msg "Set debug to trueecho with-e "${YELLOWGREEN}--debug$Example${RESET}:"; shift ;; *) usage ;;echo -e " esac done debug_msg "Set log_level_type to ${YELLOW}$log_level_type$-p ${BOLD_YELLOW}'${RESET}${GREEN}admin:password!@#${RESET}${BOLD_YELLOW}'${RESET}" # Set default values if not provided debug_msg "Checking for default logecho level values..." # Change the default log level based on Log Level Type debug_msg "Changing default log level based on Log Level Type: ${YELLOW}$log_level_type${RESET}" if [[ -n "$new_log_level" ]]; then-e "" exit 1 fi debug_msg "Validate credentials" if [[ "$log_level_type" credentials==$CREDENTIALS "node" ]]; then else # new_log_level=0debug_msg "Credentials do not contain password" debug_msg "Checing node default log level "Username: $(print_credentials "$CREDENTIALS")" USERNAME="$CREDENTIALS" default_log_level=0# Prompt for password ifwhile [[ $new_log_level == 30$ATTEMPTS -lt $MAX_RETRIES ]]; do then echo "" new_log_level=$default_log_level read -sp "Enter password for new_log_level_name="default" user $USERNAME: " PASSWORD fi echo "" debug_msg "node - new_log_level: to $new_log_level" echo "" debug_msg "node - new_log_level_name: to $new_log_level_name" elifif [[ "$log_level_type" == "cluster-z "$PASSWORD" ]]; then default_log_level=30 fi debug_msg "New log level: ${GREEN}$new_log_level${RESET}echo -e "${RED}Error${RESET}: Password cannot be empty." debug_msg "New log level name: ${GREEN}$new_log_level_name${RESET}" debug_msg "Set default_log_level to: $default_log_level" fi # Check if 'screen' or 'tmux' is installed if [[ "$detachable" == true ]]; then((ATTEMPTS++)) continue check_screen_or_tmux fi # Iffi swarm_ip is not provided, try using SCSP_HOST environment variable if [[ -z "$swarm_ip" ]]; thenCREDENTIALS="$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" if [[ -n "$SCSP_HOST" ]]; then debug_msg "CREDENTIALS: $(print_credentials "$CREDENTIALS"))" swarm_ip="$SCSP_HOSTcheck_credentials "$CREDENTIALS" "${ip_array[0]}" debug_msg "Using Swarm IPif from SCSP_HOST: $swarm_ip" else[[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Error: swarm_ip not provided and SCSPdebug_HOSTmsg is not set."CREDENTIALS: $(print_credentials "$CREDENTIALS"))" usage fi fidebug_msg "Valid #credentials" Check if required arguments are provided if [[ -z "$credentials" || -z "$new_log_level" ]]; then credentials=$CREDENTIALS usage fi # Split the swarm_ip into an array of IP addresses ifbreak it contains delimiters IFS=';, ' read -r -a ip_array <<< "$swarm_ip" #else Validate credentials before proceeding debug_msg "Validating credentials..." #if [[ "$credentials" =~ ^[^:]+$ ]]; then if [[ -n "$credentials" ]]; then echo -e "" CREDENTIALS="$credentials" ATTEMPT=$MAX_RETRIES echo -e USERNAME=""${RED}Error${RESET}: Invalid credentials. Please check your username and password." PASSWORD="" debug_msg "CREDENTIALS: $(print_credentials "$CREDENTIALS")" echo debug_msg-e "ATTEMPT: $ATTEMPT" # Check if credentials contain a colon (username:password format)fi debug_msg "Checking for colon in credentials..." ((ATTEMPTS++)) if [[ "$CREDENTIALS" == *":"* ]]; thendone debug_msg "Credentials contain colon" if [[ $ATTEMPTS -ge $MAX_RETRIES ]]; then USERNAME="${CREDENTIALS%%:*}" echo -e PASSWORD="${CREDENTIALS#*:}" # Validate credentials echo -e "${RED}Error${RESET}: Maximum number of password check_credentials "$CREDENTIALS" "${ip_array[0]}"attempts reached. Exiting script." if [[ $? -neexit 01 ]]; then fi fi debug_msgelse "Invalid credentials. Please check yourif username! and password." check_credentials "$credentials" "${ip_array[0]}"; then echo -e "" echo -e "${REDYELLOW}Error$Warning${RESET}: Invalid credentials. Please check your username and password." ${RED}Invalid credentials${RESET}." echo -e "" exit 1 exit 1 fi fi # Retrieve cluster name and fihandle JSON parsing using the first IP address debug_msg "ValidateRetrieving credentials"the cluster name from Swarm API using IP: credentials=$CREDENTIALS else ${ip_array[0]}" if [[ "$jq_or_grep" == "grep" ]]; then clusterName=$(curl --user debug_msg "Credentials do not contain password" debug_msg "Username: $(print_credentials "$CREDENTIALS")" "$credentials" -sS "http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters" | grep -oP '"name":\s*"\K[^"]+') else clusterName=$(curl --user USERNAME="$CREDENTIALS$credentials" -sS "http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters" | "$jq_or_grep" -r '._embedded.clusters[0].name') fi # Prompt for password while if [[ $ATTEMPTS -lt $MAX_RETRIESz "$clusterName" ]]; do then echo ""Failed to retrieve the cluster name. Please check read -sp "Enter password for user $USERNAME: " PASSWORDyour inputs." exit 1 echo "" echo ""fi debug_msg "Cluster Name: $clusterName" # Main logic function to run the script tasks main_script() { local swarm_ip="$1" local CREDENTIALScredentials="$USERNAME:$PASSWORD$2" local new_log_level="$3" local debug_msg "CREDENTIALS: $(print_credentials "$CREDENTIALS"))"new_log_level_name="$4" local duration="$5" local check_credentials "$CREDENTIALS" "${ip_array[0]}"log_level_type="$6" #local log_file="/var/log/datacore/castor.log" if [[ $? -eq 0z "$log_file" ]]; then log_file=$(determine_log_file) fi local debug_msg "CREDENTIALS: $(print_credentials "$CREDENTIALS"))" initial_size=$(stat -c%s "$log_file" 2>/dev/null || echo 0) local current_log_level debug_msg "Valid credentialslocal clusterName="$7" local jq_or_grep="$8" credentials=$CREDENTIALSlocal detachable="$9" if [[ "$detachable" ]]; then break local debug="${10}" eval else "$(echo "${11}" | sed 's/declare -A/declare -A/')" eval "$(echo -e ""${12}" | sed 's/declare -A/declare -A/')" fi echo -e "${RED}Error${RESET}: Invalid credentials. Please check your username and password.local default_log_levels="$13" local default_log_levels_name="$14" debug_msg "**********************************************************" debug_msg "local fivariables" debug_msg "Log Level Type: ((ATTEMPTS++))${GREEN}$log_level_type${RESET}" debug_msg "Default Log Level: ${GREEN}$default_log_level${RESET}" done debug_msg "Swarm fi elseIP: $swarm_ip" if ! checkdebug_msg "Credentials: $(print_credentials "$credentials")" "${ip_array[0]}"; then debug_msg "New Log Level: $new_log_level" debug_msg "New log Level echo -e ""Name: $new_log_level_name" debug_msg "Duration: $duration" echo -e "${YELLOW}Warning${RESET}: ${RED}Invalid credentials${RESET}.debug_msg "Log File: $log_file" debug_msg "Initial Log File echo -e ""Size: $initial_size" debug_msg "Current Log exit 1Level: $current_log_level" debug_msg fi"Cluster fiName: $clusterName" # Retrieve cluster name and handle JSON parsing using the first IP addressdebug_msg "jq_or_grep: $jq_or_grep" debug_msg "RetrievingDetach: the$detachable" cluster name from Swarm API using IP: ${ip_array[0]}" if [[ "$jq_or_grep" == "grep" ]]; then clusterName=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS "http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters" | grep -oP '"name":\s*"\K[^"]+') else clusterName=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS "http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters" | "$jq_or_grep" -r '._embedded.clusters[0].name') fi if [[ -z "$clusterName" ]]; then echo "Failed to retrieve the cluster name. Please check your inputs." exit 1 fi debug_msg "Cluster Name: $clusterName" # Main logic function to run the script tasks main_script() { local swarm_ip="$1" local credentials="$2" local new_log_level="$3" local new_log_level_name="$4" local duration="$5" local log_level_type="$6" #local log_file="/var/log/datacore/castor.log" if [[ -z "$log_file" ]]; then log_file=$(determine_log_file) fi local initial_size=$(stat -c%s "$log_file" 2>/dev/null || echo 0) local current_log_level local clusterName="$7" local jq_or_grep="$8" local detachable="$9" if [[ "$detachable" ]]; then local debug="${10}" eval "$(echo "${11}" | sed 's/declare -A/declare -A/')" eval "$(echo "${12}" | sed 's/declare -A/declare -A/')" fi debug_msg "**********************************************************" debug_msg "local variables" debug_msg "Log Level Type: ${GREEN}$log_level_type${RESET}" debug_msg "Default Log Level: ${GREEN}$default_log_level${RESET}" debug_msg "Swarm IP: $swarm_ip" debug_msg "Credentials: $(print_credentials "$credentials")" debug_msg "New Log Level: $new_log_level" debug_msg "New log Level Name: $new_log_level_name" debug_msg "Duration: $duration" debug_msg "Log File: $log_file" debug_msg "Initial Log File Size: $initial_size" debug_msg "Current Log Level: $current_log_level" debug_msg "Cluster Name: $clusterName" debug_msg "jq_or_grep: $jq_or_grep" debug_msg "Detach: $detachable" debug_msg "Debug: $debug" debug_msg "**********************************************************" # Split the swarm_ip into an array of IP addresses IFS=';, ' read -r -a ip_array <<< "$swarm_ip" debug_msg "IP Array: ${ip_array[*]}" # Display initial information if [[ "$log_level_type" == "cluster" ]]; then echo -e "Swarm IP: ${GREEN}${ip_array[0]}${RESET}" elsedebug_msg "Debug: $debug" debug_msg "**********************************************************" # Split the swarm_ip into an array of IP addresses IFS=';, ' read -r -a ip_array <<< "$swarm_ip" debug_msg "IP Array: ${ip_array[*]}" # Display initial information if [[ "$log_level_type" == "cluster" ]]; then echo -e "Swarm IP: ${GREEN}${ip_array[0]}${RESET}" else echo -e "Swarm IPs: ${GREEN}${ip_array[*]}${RESET}" fi # echo -e "Swarm IP: ${GREEN}$swarm_ip${RESET}" debug_msg "Credentials: ${GREEN}[hidden for security]${RESET}" echo -e "Cluster Name: ${GREEN}$clusterName${RESET}" debug_msg "Starting main_script function..." debug_msg "Log level type: $log_level_type" # Store the original log levels declare -A original_log_levels declare -A original_log_level_names default_log_level=${default_log_levels[$log_level_type]} default_log_level_name=${default_log_level_names[$log_level_type]} debug_msg "Default log level: $default_log_level" debug_msg "Default log level name: $default_log_level_name" if [[ $log_level_type == "cluster" ]]; then debug_msg "Setting cluster log level to $new_log_level ($new_log_level_name)" # Retrieve current log level if [[ "$jq_or_grep" == "grep" ]]; then current_log_level=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS "http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters/$clusterName/settings/log.level" | grep -oP '"value":\s*\K[0-9]+') else current_log_level=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS "http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters/$clusterName/settings/log.level" | "$jq_or_grep" -r '.value') fi current_log_level_name=${log_levels[$current_log_level]} if [[ $current_log_level == 30 ]]; then current_log_level_name="default" fi if [[ $new_log_level == 30 ]]; then new_log_level_name="default" fi debug_msg "Current cluster log level: ${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level${RESET}" debug_msg "Current log level name: ${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level_name${RESET}" echo -e "Swarm IPs: ${GREEN}${ip_array[*]}${RESET}" fi # echo -e "Swarm IPNew cluster log level: ${BOLD_GREEN}$swarm_ip$$new_log_level_name${RESET}" debug_msg "Credentials: (${BOLD_GREEN}[hidden for security]$$new_log_level${RESET})" echo -e "Cluster Name: ${GREEN}$clusterName${RESET}Current cluster log level is ${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level_name${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level${RESET})." debug_msg "Starting main_script function..." # Skip update if debug_msg "Log level type: $log_level_type" # Store the original log levels declare -A original_log_levels declare -A original_log_level_namesnew level matches the current level if [[ "$current_log_level" -eq "$new_log_level" ]]; then if [[ $log_level_type == "cluster" ]]; then echo "" echo debug_msg-e "SettingCluster cluster log level is already set to ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level_name${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level_name)"level${RESET}). No changes made." return # fi Retrieve current log level # Update the ifcluster [[ "$jq_or_grep" == "grep" ]]; thenlog level using PUT debug_msg "Updating cluster log level to current$new_log_level=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS "http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters/$clusterName/settings/log.level" | grep -oP '"value":\s*\K[0-9]+') _name" debug_msg "Cluster Name: $clusterName" else debug_msg "Credentials: $(print_credentials "$credentials")" current_log_level=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS debug_msg "curl --user \"$(print_credentials "$credentials")\" -sS -X PUT -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \"http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters/$clusterName/settings/log.level\" |-d "$jq_or_grep" -r '.value') fi\"{\\\"value\\\": $new_log_level}\"" response=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ current_log_level_name="http://${logip_levels[$current_log_level]}array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters/$clusterName/settings/log.level" \ debug_msg "Current cluster log level: ${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level${RESET}"-d "{\"value\": $new_log_level}") debug_msg "CurrentResponse: log$response" level name: ${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level_name${RESET}" if echo -e[[ "$jq_or_grep" == "grep" ]]; then echo -e "New cluster log level: ${BOLD_GREEN}$new updated_log_level_name${RESET}"=$(echo "$response" | grep -oP '"value":\s*\K[0-9]+') echo -e "Current cluster log level is ${GREEN}$currentelse updated_log_level_name.${RESET}"=$(echo "$response" | "$jq_or_grep" -r '.value') fi # Skip update if new level matches the current leveldebug_msg "Updated cluster log level: $updated_log_level" if [[ "$current$updated_log_level" -eq "$new_log_level" ]]; then echo "" echo -e "Cluster log${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Log level ischanged alreadysuccessfully setfrom to ${BOLD_GREEN}$new$current_log_level_name${RESET}. No changes made." return fi (${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level${RESET}) -> ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level_name${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level${RESET})." else # Update the cluster log level using PUT echo -e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Failed debug_msg "Updating clusterto update log level to $new_log_level_name" debug_msg "Cluster Name: $clusterName. Response: ${RED}$response${RESET}" debug_msg "Credentials: $(print_credentials "$credentials")" exit 1 debug_msg "curl --user \"$(print_credentials "$credentials")\" -sS -X PUT -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \"http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters/$clusterName/settings/log.level\" -d \"{\\\"value\\\": $new_log_level}\"" response=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ "http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters/$clusterName/settings/log.level" \ fi # Countdown and revert log level if [[ -n "$duration" && "$duration" -gt 0 ]]; then echo -e "Keeping log level at ${YELLOW}$new_log_level_name${RESET} (${YELLOW}$new_log_level${RESET}) for ${YELLOW}$duration${RESET} seconds (${YELLOW}$(format_duration $duration)${RESET}) ..." echo -de "{\"value\": $new_log_level}") debug_msg "Response: $response" for ((i=duration; i>0; i--)); do if [[ "$jq_or_grep" == "grep" ]]; then printf -v countdown updated_log_level=$(echo "$response" | grep -oP '"value":\s*\K[0-9]+') "%02d:%02d:%02d" $((i/3600)) $(( (i%3600) / 60 )) $((i%60)) else updated_log_level=$(echo "$response" | "$jq_or_grep" -r '.value')-ne "Countdown: ${YELLOW}$countdown${RESET} remaining...\r" fi sleep debug_msg1 "Updated cluster log level: $updated_log_level" done if [[ "$updated_log_level" -eq "$new_log_level" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Log\n\nTime's up! Reverting log level changedback successfullyto from ${GREEN}$current_log_level_level$name${RESET} -> (${BOLD_GREEN}$new$current_log_level${RESET}) ..." else # Revert the log level back to echothe -e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Failed to update log level. Response: ${RED}$response${RESET}"original value # echo -e "Level log revert on exit$(timestamp)" 1 fi response=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS -X PUT # Countdown and revert log level-H "Content-Type: application/json" \ if [[ -n "$duration" && "$duration" -gt 0 ]]; then "http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters/$clusterName/settings/log.level" \ echo -e "Keeping log level at ${YELLOW}$newd "{\"value\": $current_log_level_name${RESET}") for ${YELLOW}$duration${RESET} seconds (${YELLOW}$(format_duration $duration)${RESET}) ..." debug_msg "Response: $response" echo -e "" if [[ "$jq_or_grep" == for ((i=duration; i>0; i--)); do"grep" ]]; then reverted_log_level=$(echo "$response" | printfgrep -v countdown "%02d:%02d:%02d" $((i/3600)) $(( (i%3600) / 60 )) $((i%60))oP '"value":\s*\K[0-9]+') else reverted_log_level=$(echo -ne "Countdown: ${YELLOW}$countdown${RESET} remaining...\r""$response" | "$jq_or_grep" -r '.value') fi sleep 1 debug_msg "Reverted cluster log donelevel: $reverted_log_level" echofinal_size=$(stat -e "\n\nTime's up! Reverting log level back to ${GREEN}$current_log_level${RESET}..."c%s "$log_file" 2>/dev/null || echo 0) debug_msg "Initial log file size: $initial_size" # Revert the log level back to the original value debug_msg "Final log file size: $final_size" # echo -e "Level log revert on size_diff=$(timestamp)"( final_size - initial_size )) responsesize_diff_formatted=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ format_size "$size_diff") duration_formatted=$(format_duration "$duration") if (( size_diff < 0 )); then echo "http://${ip_array[0]}:91/api/storage/clusters/$clusterName/settings/log.level" \ -e "castor.log file was rotated." else echo -de "{\"value\": $current_log_level}") echo debug_msg-e "Response: $response" if [[ "$jq_or_grep" == "grep" ]]; then Approximate ${BOLD_GREEN}$size_diff_formatted${RESET} new logs were generated at log level ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level_name${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level${RESET}). Current castor.log size is ${BOLD_GREEN}$(format_size "$final_size")${RESET} after ${YELLOW}$duration${RESET} seconds (${YELLOW}$duration_formatted${RESET})." reverted_log_level=$(echo "$response" | grep -oPe '"value":\s*\K[0-9]+') fi else if [[ "$reverted_log_level" -eq "$current_log_level" ]]; then reverted_log_level=$(echo "$response" | "$jq_or_grep" echo -r '.value') e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Log level reverted successfully back to ${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level_name${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level${RESET})." fi echo -e "" debug_msg "Reverted cluster log level: $reverted_log_level" else final_size=$(statecho -c%s "$log_file" 2>/dev/null || echo 0) e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Failed to revert log level. Response: ${RED}$response${RESET}" debug_msg "Initial log fileecho size: $initial_size-e "" debug_msg "Final log file size: $final_size"exit 1 fi size_diff=$(( final_size - initial_size )) else echo size_diff_formatted=$(format_size "$size_diff")-e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Log level change is permanent until manually modified." fi elif duration_formatted=$(format_duration "$duration") [[ "$log_level_type" == "node" ]]; then if (( size_diff <# 0 )); then echo -e "castor.log file was rotated." First loop: Change the node log level else local same_log_level=false for echoip -ein "${ip_array[@]}"; do # Retrieve current node echo -e "Approximate ${BOLD_GREEN}$size_diff_formatted${RESET} new logs were generated at log level ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level${RESET}. Current castor.log size is ${BOLD_GREEN}$(format_size "$final_size")${RESET} after ${YELLOW}$duration${RESET} seconds (${YELLOW}$duration_formatted${RESET})."log level debug_msg "Retrieving current node log level for IP: $ip" debug_msg "curl -s echo -e "" -u \"$(print_credentials "$credentials")\" \"http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel\"" fi current_log_level=$(curl -s if [[ "$reverted_log_level" -eq "$current_log_level" ]]; then-u "$credentials" "http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel" | $jq_or_grep -r '.value') echo -e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Logdebug_msg "Current log level revertedfor successfullyIP back to ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip: $current_log_level${RESET}.level" echo -e ""original_log_levels["$ip"]=$current_log_level else echo -e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Failed to revertdebug_msg "Original log level. Response: ${RED}$response${RESET}" echo -e "for IP $ip: ${original_log_levels["$ip"]}" exitif 1 [[ "$current_log_level" == "0" ]]; then fi else current_log_level_name="default" echo "$(timestamp) Log level change iselse permanent until manually modified." fi elif [[ "$logcurrent_log_level_type" == "node" ]]; thenname=${log_levels[$current_log_level]} # First loop: Changefi the node log level local sameoriginal_log_level=false_names["$ip"]=$current_log_level_name for ip indebug_msg "Original log level name: ${ip_array[@original_log_level_names["$ip"]}"; do if # Retrieve current node log level[[ "$new_log_level" == "0" ]]; then debug_msg "Retrieving current node new_log level for IP: $ip_level_name="default" debug_msgelse "curl -s -u \"$(print_credentials "$credentials")\" \"http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel\"" currentnew_log_level_name=$(curl -s -u "$credentials" "http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel" | $jq_or_grep -r '.value'){log_levels[$new_log_level]} fi debug_msg "Current log level for IP $ip: $current_log_level ($current_log_level_name)" original_log_levels["$ip"]=$current_log_levelecho "" echo -e "New node log level: ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level_name${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level${RESET})" debug_msgecho -e "OriginalCurrent node log level for IP $ip: ${original_log_levels["$ip"]}"${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET} is ${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level_name${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level${RESET})." # Skip update if [[ "$current_log_level" == "0" ]]; thennew level matches the current level if [[ "$current_log_level" -eq current"$new_log_level_name="default" ]]; then else currentsame_log_level_name=${log_levels[$current_log_level]}=true fi original_log_level_names["$ip"]=$current_log_level_nameecho "" debug_msg "Original log level name: ${original_log_level_names["$ip"]}" echo -e "Node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET} is if [[ "already set to ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level" == "0" ]]; then_name${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level${RESET}). No changes made." new_log_level_name="default"continue else newsame_log_level_name=${log_levels[$new_log_level]}=false fi debug_msg "Currentif log level for IP $ip: $current[[ "$same_log_level ($current_log_level_name)" == false ]]; then echo "" echo -e "New# Update the node log level: ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level_name${RESET}" using PUT echo -edebug_msg "CurrentUpdating node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET} is ${GREEN}$currentto $new_log_level_name.${RESET}" for IP $ip..." # Skip update if new level matches the current level if [[ "$current_log_level" -eq "debug_msg "curl --user \"$(print_credentials "$credentials")\" -sS -X PUT -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \"http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel?value=$new_log_level\"" ]]; then same_log_level=true echo "" response=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ echo -e "Node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET} is already set to ${BOLD_GREEN} "http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel?value=$new_log_level_name${RESET}. No changes made."") continue debug_msg "Response: $response" else if [[ same"$jq_log_level=false or_grep" == "grep" ]]; then fi if [[ "$sameupdated_log_level=$(echo " == false ]]; then$response" | grep -oP '"value":\s*\K[0-9]+') else # Update the node log level using PUT updated_log_level=$(echo "$response" | "$jq_or_grep" debug_msg "Updating node log level to $new_log_level_name for IP $ip..."-r '.value') fi debug_msg "curl --user \"$(print_credentials "$credentials")\" -sS -X PUT -Hdebug_msg \"Content-Type: application/json\" \"http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel?value=$new_log_level\"""Updated log level for IP $ip: $updated_log_level" response=$(curl --user "$credentialsif [[ "$updated_log_level" -sS -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \eq "$new_log_level" ]]; then echo "http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel?value=$new_log_level") debug_msg "Response: $response"-e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET} changed successfully from ${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level_name${RESET} (${GREEN}$current_log_level${RESET}) -> ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level_name${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level${RESET})." if [[ "$jq_or_grep" == "grep" ]]; thenelse updated_log_level=$(echo "$response" | grep -oP '"value":\s*\K[0-9]+') -e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Failed to update node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET}. Response: ${RED}$response${RESET}" else exit 1 updated_log_level=$(echo "$response" | "$jq_or_grep" -r '.value') fi fi fi done debug_msg "Updated log level for# IPSecond $iploop: $updated_log_level" Countdown if duration is provided if [[ "$updated$same_log_level" -eq "$new_log_level"== false ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET} changed successfully from ${GREEN}$current_log_level_name${RESET} -> ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level_name${RESET}." \ if [[ -n "$duration" && "$duration" -gt 0 ]]; then else echo -e "" echo -e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Failed to update node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET}. Response: ${RED}$response${RESET}Keeping node(s) log level at ${YELLOW}$new_log_level_name${RESET} (${YELLOW}$new_log_level${RESET}) for ${YELLOW}$duration${RESET} seconds (${YELLOW}$(format_duration $duration)${RESET}) ..." echo -e "" exit 1 for ((i=duration; fii>0; i--)); do fi printf done-v countdown "%02d:%02d:%02d" $((i/3600)) $(( (i%3600) / 60 )) $((i%60)) # Second loop: Countdown if duration is provided if [[ "$same_log_level" == false ]]; then\ echo -ne "Countdown: ${YELLOW}$countdown${RESET} remaining...\r" if [[ -n "$duration" && "$duration" -gt 0 ]]; then sleep 1 echo -e ""done echo -e "Keeping node(s) log level at ${YELLOW}$new_log_level_name${RESET} for ${YELLOW}$duration${RESET} seconds (${YELLOW}$(format_duration $duration)${RESET}) \n\nTime's up! Reverting node log level back to original levels..." echo -e# ""Third loop: Revert the node log level for ((i=duration; i>0; i--)); do for ip in "${ip_array[@]}"; do printf -v countdown "%02d:%02d:%02d" $((i/3600)) $(( (i%3600) / 60 )) $((i%60)) current_log_level=${original_log_levels["$ip"]} echo -ne "Countdown: ${YELLOW}$countdown${RESET} remaining...\r"current_log_level_name=${original_log_level_names["$ip"]} debug_msg sleep"Reverting 1node log level back to $current_log_level_name for IP $ip..." done debug_msg "curl --user \"$(print_credentials "$credentials")\" -sS -X echoPUT -eH \"\n\nTime's up! Reverting node log level back to original levels..."Content-Type: application/json\" \"http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel?value=$current_log_level\"" # Thirdecho loop: Revert the node log level -e "Node level log revert on $(timestamp) for IP $ip" for ip in "${ip_array[@]}"; do response=$(curl --user "$credentials" -sS -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ current_log_level=${original_log_levels["$ip"]} current_log_level_name=${original"http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel?value=$current_log_level_names["$ip"]}") debug_msg "RevertingResponse: node$response" log level back to $current_log_level_name for IP $ip..." if [[ "$jq_or_grep" == "grep" debug_msg "curl --user \"$(print_credentials "$credentials")\" -sS -X PUT -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \"http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel?value=$current_log_level\"" ]]; then reverted_log_level=$(echo "$response" | grep -oP '"value":\s*\K[0-9]+') # echo -e "Node level logelse revert on $(timestamp) for IP $ip" responsereverted_log_level=$(curlecho --user "$credentials$response" -sS -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ | "$jq_or_grep" -r '.value') fi "http://$ip:91/api/storage/nodes/_self/settings/log.nodeLogLevel?value=$current_log_level") final_size=$(stat -c%s debug"$log_msg file"Response: $response" 2>/dev/null || echo 0) if [[ "$jq_or_grep" == "grep" ]]; then size_diff=$(( final_size - initial_size )) reverted_log_level=$(echo "$response" | grep -oP '"value":\s*\K[0-9]+')debug_msg "Initial log file size: $initial_size" debug_msg else"Final log file size: $final_size" revertedsize_logdiff_levelformatted=$(echoformat_size "$response$size_diff") | "$jq_or_grep" -r '.value') duration_formatted=$(format_duration "$duration") fi if final_size=$(stat -c%s "$log_file" 2>/dev/null || echo 0)[[ "$reverted_log_level" -eq "$current_log_level" ]]; then echo size_diff=$(( final_size - initial_size ))-e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET} reverted successfully back to ${BOLD_GREEN}${current_log_level_name}${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$current_log_level${RESET})." debug_msgelse "Initial log file size: $initial_size" echo debug_msg "Final log file size: $final_size-e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Failed to revert node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET}. Response: ${RED}$response${RESET}" size_diff_formatted=$(format_size "$size_diff") exit 1 duration_formatted=$(format_duration "$duration") fi done if [[ "$reverted_log_level" -eq "$current_log_level" ]]; then # Combine the log output for multiple IP addresses into a single summary echo -e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET} reverted successfullyif back to ${BOLD_GREEN}${current_log_level_name}${RESET}." (( size_diff < 0 )); then else echo -e "castor.log file was rotated." else echo -e "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Failed to revert node log level for IP ${BOLD_GREEN}$ip${RESET}. Response: ${RED}$response${RESET}" echo -e "" exit 1 echo -e "Approximate ${BOLD_GREEN}$size_diff_formatted${RESET} new logs were generated at log level ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level_name${RESET} (${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level${RESET}) for IP ${ip_array[*]}. Current castor.log fisize is ${BOLD_GREEN}$(format_size "$final_size")${RESET} after ${YELLOW}$duration${RESET} seconds (${YELLOW}$duration_formatted${RESET})." done echo -e "" # Combine the log output for multiple IP addresses into afi single summary else if (( size_diff < 0 )); then echo -e "castor.log file was rotated." ${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Log level change is permanent until manually modified." else fi fi fi } echo -e# ""Run in detachable or directly if $detachable; then # Pass the main_script function to echo -e "Approximate ${BOLD_GREEN}$size_diff_formatted${RESET} new logs were generated at log level ${BOLD_GREEN}$new_log_level_name${RESET} for IP ${ip_array[*]}. Current castor.log size is ${BOLD_GREEN}$(format_size "$final_size")${RESET} after ${YELLOW}$duration${RESET} seconds (${YELLOW}$duration_formatted${RESET})." echo -e "" fi else echo "${GREEN}$(timestamp)${RESET} Log level change is permanent until manually modified." fi fi fi } # Run in detachable or directly if $detachable; then # Pass the main_script function to the screen session and store the output in a file debug_msg "**********************************************************the screen session and store the output in a file debug_msg "**********************************************************" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg "Detach mode - Parameters passed to main_script:" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Swarm IP: $swarm_ip" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Credentials: $(print_credentials "$credentials")" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " New Log Level: $new_log_level" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " New log Level Name: $new_log_level_name" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Duration: $duration" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Log Level Type: $log_level_type" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Log File: $log_file" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Initial Log File Size: $initial_size" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg "Detach mode - ParametersCurrent passedLog to main_script:Level: $current_log_level" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " SwarmCluster IPName: $swarm_ip$clusterName" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Credentialsjq_or_grep: $(print_credentials "$credentials")" $jq_or_grep" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " New Log LevelDetach: $new_log_level$detachable" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Debug: $debug" | New log Level Name: $new_log_level_nametee -a "$output_log" debug_msg "**********************************************************" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg "# Convert associative arrays to Duration:strings $duration"and |pass teethem -a "$output_log" to the screen session debug_msg " Log Level Type: $log_level_type" | tee -a "$output_log"log_levels_string=$(declare -p log_levels) debug_msg " Log File: $log_file" | tee -a "$output_log"log_level_names_string=$(declare -p log_level_names) debug_msg " Initial Log File Size: $initial_sizelog_levels_string: $log_levels_string" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Current Log Level: $current_log_levellog_level_names_string: $log_level_names_string" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Cluster Name: $clusterName if command -v screen &>/dev/null; then echo -e "Running in ${YELLOW}screen${RESET} detachable mode..." | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " screen -dmS jqcastor_orlog_grep: $jq_or_grep" | tee -a "$output_log" script bash -c "$(declare -f main_script timestamp debug_msg " Detach: $detachable" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg " Debug: $debug" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg "**********************************************************" | tee -a "$output_log" # Convert associative arrays to strings and pass them toformat_size format_duration check_jq determine_log_file print_credentials); main_script \"$swarm_ip\" \"$credentials\" \"$new_log_level\" \"$new_log_level_name\" \"$duration\" \"$log_level_type\" \"$clusterName\" \"$jq_or_grep\" \"$detachable\" \"$debug\" \"${log_levels_string}\" \"${log_level_names_string}\" \"${default_log_levels}\" \"${default_log_levels_name}\" | tee \"$output_log\"" screen -r castor_log_script # Wait for the screen session to complete and then log_levels_string=$(declare -p log_levels) log_level_names_string=$(declare -p log_level_names) debug_msg "log_levels_string: $log_levels_string" | tee -a "$output_log" debug_msg "log_level_names_string: $log_level_names_string" | tee -a "$output_log" ifdisplay the output log sleep 1 while screen -list | grep -q "castor_log_script"; do sleep 1 done elif command -v screentmux &>/dev/null; then echo -e "Running in ${YELLOW}screen$tmux${RESET} detachable mode..." | tee -a "$output_log"" > "$output_log" # Truncate log file to remove old entries # Create a temp script file temp_script="$SCRIPTDIR/castor_log_script.sh" # Write the script to a file to avoid printing function definitions cat screen<<EOF -dmS> castor"$temp_log_script" #!/bin/bash -c "$(declare -f main_script timestamp debug_msg format_size format_duration check_jq determine_log_file print_credentials); main_script \"$swarm_ip\" \"$credentials\" \"$new_log_level\" \"$new_log_level_name\" \"$duration\" \"$log_level_type\" \"$clusterName\" \"$jq_or_grep\" \"$detachable\" \"$debug\" \"${log_levels_string}\" \"${log_level_names_string}\" "${default_log_levels}" "${default_log_levels_name}" | tee \-a "$output_log\""" rm -f "$temp_script" # Remove the script file tmux screenkill-session -rt castor_log_script EOF # Wait for the screen session to complete and then display the output log sleep 1 Ensure the script is executable chmod +x "$temp_script" # Start tmux session and execute the script inside while screentmux new-listsession |-d grep -qs "castor_log_script "; dobash $temp_script" # Attach session sleeponly 1if it's still running done while tmux elifhas-session command -v tmux &>t castor_log_script 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "Running in ${YELLOW}tmux${RESET} detachable mode..." | tee -a "$output_log"do tmux newattach-session -dt -s castor_log_script "$(declare -f main_script timestamp debug_msg format_size format_duration check_jq determine_log_file print_credentials); main_script \"$swarm_ip\" \"$credentials\" \"$new_log_level\" \"$new_log_level_name\" \"$duration\" \"$log_level_type\" \"$clusterName\" \"$jq_or_grep\" \"$detachable\" \"$debug\" \"${log_levels_string}\" \"${log_level_names_string}\" | tee \"$output_log\"" done # if tmux has-session -t castor_log_script 2>/dev/null; then # tmux attach-session -t castor_log_script # fi else echo "Error: Neither screen nor tmux available. Run without --detachable." exit 1 fi echo "" cat "$output_log" else # main_script "$swarm_ip" "$credentials" "$new_log_level" "$duration" "$clusterName" "$jq_or_grep" | tee "$output_log" debug_msg "**********************************************************" debug_msg "Parameters passed to main_script:" debug_msg "Swarm IP: $swarm_ip" debug_msg "Credentials: $(print_credentials "$credentials")" debug_msg "New Log Level: $new_log_level" debug_msg "Duration: $duration" debug_msg "Cluster Name: $clusterName" debug_msg "jq_or_grep: $jq_or_grep" debug_msg "**********************************************************" debug_msg "Running main_script function..." main_script "$swarm_ip" "$credentials" "$new_log_level" "$new_log_level_name" "$duration" "$log_level_type" "$clusterName" "$jq_or_grep" | tee "$output_log" fi |