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Table of Contents

Accessing the UI 

The URL used to access the Storage UI depends on where it is installed. See Installing the Swarm Storage UI Installation to determine the starting URL.


A prompt to log in appears upon reaching the UI. User logins for the UIs are not Swarm-managed but rather LDAP, PAM, or SAML, as configured by the Gateway IDSYS (see See Gateway Identity System).

How the login screen appears depends on whether single sign-on is enabled:


single sign

Single Sign-




single sign

Single Sign-



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Read-only. The host name or IP address of the Swarm storage cluster to be viewed.

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User Name


 - The user name to be used to sign in through an existing third-party account, such as through OneLogin, Okta, or Google.

Users are redirected to the other site to enter the password, and then are redirected back to the Swarm UI when clicking Login with SSO. The login typically expires in one day.

For SSO setup, see Enabling SSO with SAML. (v3.0)

Navigating the UI

Upon logging in, chose Chose which Swarm UI to use (Storage or Content) upon logging in:


Click the top of the site map (the DataCore Swarm logo) to return to this page at any time to go navigate to the other UI, click the top of the site map (the DataCore Swarm logo):


The primary navigation for the Swarm UI is in the left side navigation pane, which includes 3 major sections:

  • Cluster: provides access to the details of the cluster's hardware (physical chassis), subclusters (if any), and feeds (search and replication).

  • Reports: includes valuable real time and historical views in to the health of and activity in the cluster.

  • Settings: displays cluster-wide settings and license information. 


Throughout the application, quick access links to relevant reports and pages can be accessed through icons on each page. For instance, the The Health section of the Dashboard includes a link to the more detailed Health Report.



Located at the top right of the Storage UI is the account name, which drops down a menu of resources:


  • Log Out – ends  - Ends the current session

  • About – reports the  - Reports the version of the software in use with links to the end user license agreement and third-party licenses

  • Support – opens  - Opens the Support site (requires an account for full access)

  • Documentation – opens - Opens searchable online help

  • Language - allows Allows selection of an alternate display language for the user interface



Selecting an alternate language from the resource menu localizes most but not all text. Log messages, error messages, setting descriptions, and some chart labels are not localized as they come from sources outside the UI. Setting a language preference through the browser may return more accurate translation results.

Rebranding the UI

Use the 'custom' folder that comes with Swarm UI and overwrite the included files to update the UI look and feel for the organization.

  1. Place all custom files, SVGs, and style sheets into this 'custom' directory.

  2. Replace the images provided or create new images and update the style sheet to reflect any naming changes.

  3. Uncomment custom.css


  1. for the styling updates to work. 

Create the custom folder at the top level of the installed JavaScript files, alongside such folders as app, fonts, scripts, styles if the folder does not yet exist.

