Table of Contents | ||||||||||
The best practices for using DataCore Swarm object storage as the capacity tier in a Veeam Backup & and Replication Scale-out Backup Repository include sizing and configuration guidelines as well as operational tips for optimizing the backup and recovery processes. These practices may be updated periodically as new lessons are learned.
We recommend reading Veeam’s best practice documentation before reading this KB article,
Use Multiple SOBR
Currently, Veeam supports only one object storage bucket per SOBR configuration. We recommend using multiple SOBRs pointing to different buckets and storage domains per client and workload type (VB365 Backup, Archive backup jobs etc.).
This will allow you to take advantage of future support for separate elasticsearch indices per storage domain.
Note |
CautionTo use a SOBR a Veeam Enterprise (up to 2 SOBR) or an Enterprise Plus (unlimited SOBRs) license is required. |
Each SOBR requires its performance tier (primary storage), whereby each SOBR could be a subdirectory of the same primary storage.
Another advantage of multiple SOBR is that you can set different retention policies per SOBR.
Backup Job Storage Settings
Veeam allows you to configure a block size per Backup Job. The block size affects deduplication and incremental backup size. By default, blocks are compressed and the compression ratio is about 50%.
The smaller the block size, the more calls are needed to the object storage to upload the data. DataCore recommends to use “Local Target (large blocks)”. This is equal to a 4MB (=2MB after compression) object size. Performance Tier storage requirements depend on this setting, too.
Consult with Veeam or your partner before setting this.
Note |
CautionBe aware that backup copy jobs inherit the Storage optimization of the backup job. You will not be able to modify it on “backup copy” type jobs. |
For VBR, setting the block size to 8MB for best performance (up to 3.5x faster) requires a PowerShell script. Veeam provided us with an official tool to change storage block size on all backup jobs using a specific object storage backup repository. You need to run this script from the VBR PowerShell console.
See Veeam V12 Guidelines for more details on how to set the storage block size.
SOBR Offloading
For the SOBR offloading the aggregated number of concurrent tasks of all performance tier extents is used. If an extent has no limit on concurrent tasks, SOBR offload uses an unlimited number of tasks (up to the # of backup chains).
Each SOBR offload task will use up to 64 connections to the capacity tier. This is defined by S3ConcurrentTaskLimit in the Windows registry settings. (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication\S3ConcurrentTaskLimit , requires a reboot to apply).
We recommend 2,000 connections (approximately) for On-Premise object storage.
The default value of 64 (decimal) is applied to every worker process, meaning that the “SOBR Offloading” job overall may be using hundreds or thousands of concurrent connections, resulting in sub-optimal performance.
The performance will depend on the Veeam setup in the environment. If you have a single repository with 8 concurrent tasks and the above setting is left standard, you may have the ability to overpower the object store. For example: 8 x 64 connections, which may result in high CPU usage.
Since Veeam 11, the number of tasks can be throttled on the repository.
To calculate the number of S3 operations that are processed in the field.
parallel (max), use this calculation: Available Repository Task Slots * S3ConcurrentTaskLimit = Max used S3 operations in parallel.
Use the Veeam Object Storage IO sizing calculator for the best setting.
Info |
InfoTo verify the current SOBR, offload job uses the new setting check %programdata%/Veeam/Backup/SOBR_Offload_name-of-sobr/VMname/*.gate.log and search for S3ConcurrentTaskLimit. |
Task Throttling
Max Concurrent Tasks per Backup Proxy, by default, Veeam recommends this to be set to 2x the number of CPU cores in your VBR server. (Apply the same modifications on the VM backup proxy).
For more information, see
Handling Multiple Veeam Backup Agents
Veeam recommends the use of VBR “managed mode” which provides network traffic rules via their backup proxies. In this mode, all data protection and administration tasks are performed by a backup administrator in Veeam Backup and Replication.
Optimization Inside DataCore Swarm
By default, the cloud gateway 7.10.4 uses 50 threads to execute S3 MultiDelete requests, you can improve performance by increasing recursiveDeleteMaxThreads to 250 in /etc/caringo/cloudgateway/gateway.cfg
Note |
Warning recursiveDeleteMaxThreads can overwhelm your Elasticsearch cluster if its not sized for the workload, in some situations you may have to reduce this configuration to get less CPU load on Elasticsearch. |
recursiveDeleteMaxThreads must always be lower than threads and maxConnections
so if you set recursiveDeleteMaxThreads then we recommend also changing:
Example for a cluster of 4 Swarm Storage Nodes
threads = 400
maxConnections = 400
MaxConnectionsPerRoute = (maxConnections / Total Swarm Storage Nodes)
Note |
WarningIf you add more Gateways, be aware that all the parameters above need to be divided by the number of gateways you have in your environment. |
Veeam v12.3 auto-provisioning of buckets feature
Veeam v12.3 introduced the concept of auto-provisioning of buckets in a single backup repository based on a configurable total objects threshold.
We do not recommend enabling this feature as it will not yield any performance improvements under Swarm. Swarm Per Domain Indexing focuses on performance improvements at the domain level not the bucket level.
Final Remarks
For additional technical details, see Veeam V12 Guidelines.
For additional configuration steps, see the deployment guide for using Integrating Swarm Object Storage with Veeam Backup