Versions Compared


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  • Internode communication: Internode communication has been optimized for better load handling. (SWAR-10167)

  • Emergency Defragmentation: A new setting has been introduced to enable high-priority defragmentation without extra configurations. (SWAR-9276)

  • RPC Improvement: An exponential back-off is implemented in case of failed RPCs to help under heavy load conditions. (SWAR-10319)

  • SSD Trim Support: Swarm Storage nodes now support SATA SSDs. See also Enhanced Configuring SSD Support with Automated TRIM Feature (SWAR-9883)

  • ES8 Support: Swarm now supports Elasticsearch (ES) 8 and later. (SWAR-9536)


  • node.maxRPCPollsLost: Resolved Swarm node reboots under load by introducing node.maxRPCPollsLost to throttle on RPC status loss. (SWAR-10319)

  • disk.enforceEmergencyDefrag: Added the setting to enable high-priority defragmentation without additional configurations. (SWAR-9276)

  • cip.multicastThreads: Configured the number of CIP CFILTER worker threads dedicated to processing incoming multicast UDP messages. (SWAR-10167)

  • cip.emptyQueueCheckInterval: Introduced a setting to define the wait time (in ms) before verifying if the internode UDP message queue is empty for further processing. (SWAR-10167)

  • cip.maxQueueSize: Added a limit on the maximum size (in bytes) of the Unicast/Multicast queue for CIP CFILTER, recommended to be twice the value of cip.ReadBufferSize. (SWAR-10167)

  • cip.queueThrottleTimeout: Implemented a timeout setting (in ms) to delay attempts to push internode UDP messages into the queue when it reaches full capacity. (SWAR-10167)

  • cip.unicastThreads: Defined the number of CIP CFILTER worker threads handling incoming unicast UDP messages. (SWAR-10167)

See also [DRAFT] Settings Reference for more information.

New Headers


  • The search.caseInsensitive is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (SWAR-10085)

  • The fields usedBytes, trappedBytes, and usedSpace are now deprecated and will be removed in future releases. (SWAR-10400)

OSS Versions

See [DRAFT] Third-Party Components for Storage 17.0 for the complete listing of packages and versions for this release.
