Versions Compared


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Comment: removed link


  1. Edit the SSL configuration: /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf
    1. In the section "[ req ]", add or uncomment this line:

      Code Block
      [ req ]
      req_extensions = v3_req

    2. Immediately below, add the following:

      Code Block
      [ v3_req ]
      subjectAltName = @alt_names
      [ alt_names ]
      DNS.1 = example.demo.sales.local
      DNS.2 =

    3. Add as many alternative names as needed to the alt_names section.
    4. (optional) Set the other defaults as desired: countryName_default , localityName_default, ... 
  2. Generate a private key: 

    Code Block
    openssl genrsa -des3 -out YOURDOMAIN.key 3072

  3. Generate a CSR key with the newly created private key:

    Code Block
    openssl req -new -key YOURDOMAIN.key -out YOURDOMAIN.csr -config /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf -sha256 -newkey rsa:3072

  4. Generate the final certificate:

    Code Block
    openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 3650 -in YOURDOMAIN.csr -signkey YOURDOMAIN.key -out YOURDOMAIN.crt -extensions v3_req -extfile /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf

  5. Combine both YOURDOMAIN.key and YOURDOMAIN.crt into a single YOURDOMAIN.pem file and configure HAproxy to use it.
  6. Restart the HAproxy service.
  7. From a Windows client or server, navigate to the secure URI with Chrome.
  8. At first, it will say it's an untrusted certificate. Download the certificate locally, then double-click it to install it.
  9. Restart the browser, and navigate to the secure URI. The browser should now accept the certificate.
