Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Set and Revert Log Levels: Temporarily change the log level and revert after a specified duration.

  • Flexible JSON Parsing: Uses jq for JSON parsing if available; defaults to grep jq otherwise.

  • Detachable Session Execution: Runs in a detachable session using screen or tmux, allowing the script to continue running independently of the terminal session.

  • Supports Cluster and Node Log Levels: Allows setting log level at both the cluster and individual node levels.

  • Log File Auto-Detection: Automatically detects and adjust the castor.log file path for CSN and SCS environments.

  • Log Size Monitoring: Reports the log size generated during the temporary log level change.

  • Countdown Display: Shows a countdown for the specified duration.


  • jq (optional): Used for parsing JSON responses; falls back to grep if unavailable.

  • screen or tmux (optional): Required for background execution.

  • Permissions: Ensure sufficient permissions to execute on the DataCore Swarm server and access required files.


Code Block
./ -d <node_ip> -p <admin:password> [-i <new new_log_level | -L new_node_log_level>level] [-t <duration_in_seconds>] [-D --detach] [-v]



-d, --swarm_ip

IP address of the Swarm API endpoint (or set SCSP_HOST environment variable).

-p, --credentials

Admin credentials in the format admin:password. Secure password entry is prompted if not provided.

-i, --log.level

New log level to set (values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, chatter, debug, announce, info, error, critical, default).

-L --node.log.level

New node log level to set (values: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, chatter, debug, announce, info, error, critical, default).

-t, --time

Duration in seconds to keep the new log level (optional).

-D, --detach

Runs the script in a detachable session using screen or tmux, allowing continued operation if terminal session ends (optional).


Code Block
./ -d -p admin:datacore -i 20 -t 30 --detachD

Running the Script at a Specific Time

The at command can used to schedule the script to run at a later time. This is useful when you need to start collecting debug logs at a specific hour.Example 4useful when you need to start collecting debug logs at a specific hour.

Example 4: Secure password prompt if password are not provided

Code Block
./ -p admin -d -i 10 -t 300

(You will be prompted to enter the password securely.)

Example 5: Schedule the script to run at 3:00 AM on 03/02/2025 and collect debug logs for 1 hour

  1. Ensure the at service is installed, enabled and running

    Code Block
    dnf -y install at atd
    systemctl enable --now at
  2. Schedule the script execution using at:

    Code Block
    echo "/root/dist/ -i 10 -t 3600" | at 03:00 AM 203/1602/2025

This schedules the script to run at 3:00 AM on Feb 16 2025 and collects log at debug level for 1 hour.

  1. To verify scheduled job:

    Code Block
    7	Sun FebMar 1602 03:00:00 2025 a root
  2. To remove a scheduled job (replace JOB_ID with the actual job number from atq output):

    Code Block
    atrm 7




Swarm IP:

Displays the specified Swarm IP address.


Credentials are masked for security.

Cluster Name:

Displays the cluster name retrieved from the Swarm API.

New log level:

Shows the new log level requested.

Current log level:

Displays the current log level.

Updating log level to X...

Indicates the beginning of the log level update process.

Log level changed successfully...

Confirms that the log level was successfully updated.

Keeping log level at X for Y...

Shows the temporary period for which the new log level is retained, with a countdown.

Time's up! Reverting log level...

Indicates that the temporary period has ended and the script is reverting the log level.

Approximate X new logs generated...

Provides information on the amount of logging activity generated during the temporary log level.


Code Block
[root@scs dist]# ./ -p admin:datacore -i 10 -t 300
Swarm IP:
Credentials: [hidden for security]
Cluster Name:

New log level: 10debug
Current log level is 30.
Updating log level to 10...default.
2025-03-02T05:15:49.901Z Log level changed successfully from 30 → 10.
Keeping log level at 10debug for 300 second (s00:05:00) ...
Countdown: 00:00:01 remaining...

Time's up! Reverting log level back to 30...
Approximate 6988.4MB9MB new logs were generated at log level 10. Current castor.log size is 371.3MB after 300 seconds (00:05:00).
2025-03-02T05:20:50.483Z Log level reverted successfully back to 30.

[root@scs dist]#


  • Missing Parameters: Missing parameters prompt a usage message.

  • Invalid Log Levels: If an unsupported log level is specified, the script will prompt the user to enter a valid value.

  • Invalid Duration: If a non-numeric duration is provided, you’re prompted to enter a valid duration in seconds.

  • Connection Issues: If unable to connect to the Swarm API, check the IP, credentials, and network access.
