node.maxRPCPollsLost: Resolved Swarm node reboots under load by introducing
to throttle on RPC status loss. (SWAR-10319)disk.enforceEmergencyDefrag: Added the setting to enable high-priority defragmentation without additional configurations. (SWAR-9276)
cip.multicastThreads: <Description of the setting> This setting follows the below formula:
Code Block 2^(x+1) ~= number of CPUs cip.multicastThreads = x
New Headers
Castor-System-Delete-Marker-TmBorn: Returns the time born of a deletemarker.
Completion-Content-Length: Returns the size of the uploaded object on Multipart Completion.
Castor-System-Indexing-DocId: Returns the supposed ES Document ID for the object.