Info |
The following steps are for RHEL/CentOS 7.x specifically.CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / RockyLinux 8 : yum install haproxy CentOS 7/RHEL 7 follow instructions provided here |
Haproxy is already pre-installed on the SCI and VMware bundle provided Gateway VM
The following configuration steps are needed to configure HAProxy as an SSL offloader for Content Gateway.
Step-by-step guide
Verify Content Gateway is listening on port 8080 for SCSP, 8090 for S3 and 8091 for Service Proxy:
Code Block |
global log local2 chroot /var/lib/haproxy stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats mode 660 level admin stats timeout 30s user haproxy group haproxy daemon ca-base /etc/pki/tls/certs crt-base /etc/pki/tls/private ssl-default-bind-ciphers ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:RSA+AESGCM:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3 maxconn 2048 tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048 defaults log global mode http option forwardfor # Do not use "option http-server-close", it causes S3 PUT incompatibility with some clients including FileFly! option httplog option dontlognull timeout connect 5000 timeout client 50000 # This timeout should always be larger than gateway.cfg's [storage_cluster] indexerSocketTimeout. timeout server 130000 frontend www-http bind http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto http http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port 80 default_backend www-backend-scsp acl iss3 hdr_sub(Authorization) AWS acl iss3 url_reg [?&](AWSAccessKeyId|X-Amz-Credential)= use_backend www-backend-s3 if iss3 frontend www-https bind ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/selfsignedcert.pem http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port 443 default_backend www-backend-scsp acl iss3 hdr_sub(Authorization) AWS acl iss3 url_reg [?&](AWSAccessKeyId|X-Amz-Credential)= use_backend www-backend-s3 if iss3 frontend www-https-svc bind ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/selfsignedcert.pem http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port 91 default_backend www-backend-svc backend www-backend-scsp #redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc } <--- Uncomment this line if you want to force HTTPS server gw1 YOUR_GATEWAY1_IP:8080 check server gw2 YOUR_GATEWAY2_IP:8080 check backend www-backend-s3 #redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc } <--- Uncomment this line if you want to force HTTPS server gw1 check server gw2 YOUR_GATEWAY2_IP:8080 check backend www-backend-svc # This rule rewrites CORS header to add the port number used on frontend http-request replace-value Access-Control-Allow-Origin (.*) \1:91 redirect#redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc } <--- Uncomment this line if you want to force HTTPS server gw1 check server gw2 YOUR_GATEWAY2_IP:8080 check |
Start HAProxy:
systemctl restart haproxy
Note |
If when restarting HAProxy this error is thrown “Starting frontend www-https-svc: cannot bind socket []”, either disable SELinux or run this command:
Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate
A new more modern approach is to make an openssl.conf file first, here is an example:
Info |
Copy both crt files to |
Replication Feed configuration
The following setting must appear and be set properly in the /etc/caringo/cloudgateway/gateway.cfg
file if the content gateway is going to be used as the destination for a remote replication feed: