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If you have installed Content Gateway on version 7.9-7.10 when offline (the gateway can’t reach the internet), it is possible that you do not have the swarmlifecycle script running correctly on your system. This can also happen on RHEL 8 or 9 (and variants) if pip3 was not available when Content Gateway was installed.

A message like this will be logged daily in cloudgateway_server.log if it is not set up correctly:
2022-10-19 23:59:59,976 ERROR [pool-13-thread-3|] Lifecycle: Swarmlifecycle script failed with exit code 2
This script is run at midnight UTC to clean up streams that the streams' lifecycle policy may have deleted but are still showing up in your Content UI/ other S3 application. The health processor may not have visited these streams since their deletion in order to mark them as deleted. This script will mark them as deleted so they are not visible to avoid confusion.

To determine if this script was successfully installed, you can easily check for swarmlifecycle swarm lifecycle in /usr/local/bin. If it is present, then you do not need to follow these instructions as the code was installed when the gateway was installed. If you do need to install this code, please follow the instructions below.

\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions

Installing the swarmlifecycle script and dependencies offline.

  1. Download

  2. Transfer this tarball to your gateway(s).

  3. SSH to the gateway and unpack the tarball with tar zxvf [filename]

  4. The script should now be in a tmp subdirectory from where you unpacked it.

  5. Run: cd tmp to move to that directory.

  6. Verify the pip3 command is available. If not, run yum install -y python3-pip.

  7. Run: pip3 install *whl to install the dependencies.

  8. Run: pip3 install /opt/caringo/cloudgateway/bin/datacore-swarmlifecycle.tar.gz to update to the latest version of the swarmlifecycle script provided by the most recent gateway installation.

  9. Verify the script is installed by running: /usr/local/bin/swarmlifecycle --version

See also:

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