Install the EPEL release.
Download the latest EPEL package.
Code Block language bash curl -fLO https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
Install the downloaded RPM.
Code Block language bash yum install -y epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
If running Red Hat, enable the server extras repository.
Code Block language bash subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
Copy '/root/datacore/Swarm-<version>/SCS/podman-packages-scs-<version>.tar’ and place it into the folder ‘/root/datacore’.
Code Block cp /root/datacore/Swarm-<version>/SCS/podman-packages-scs-<version>.tar /root/datacore/
Extract the file ‘podman-packages-scs-<version>.tar’.
Code Block language bash tar xvf podman-packages-scs-<version>.tar
This creates a folder ‘podman_packages’ under the ‘/root/datacore/’ folder.Add a new local repo at '/etc/yum.repos.d/podman.repo' with the below content:
Code Block language bash [podman] name=Dependencies for install podman 3.0.1 baseurl=file:///root/datacore/podman_packages enabled=true gpgcheck=0
Enable the new Podman repo.
CentOS (no additional steps are required)
Code Block language bash yum repolist enabled
Red Hat
Code Block language bash yum install -y yum-utils yum-config-manager enable podman.repo yum repolist enabled
Verify Podman is listed as an enabled repo.
Import the GPG key if needed:.
Code Block rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY
Install the SCS build:.
Code Block yum -y install swarm-scs-<version>.el7.x86_64.rpm
Check the
scsctl help
command to verify the SCS is installed.Code Block language bash usage: scsctl [-v | --info-log | --debug-log | --trace-log] [--user USER | --token TOKEN] options: ... Provides basic control and visibility into the Platform service. optional arguments: --user USER User name and (optionally) password. If password is included, then this must be in the form "{user_name}:{password}" (default: None) --token TOKEN Authentication token. (default: None) output options: These options affect the way output is displayed. -v, --verbose Increase output verbosity (ex: -v, -vv, -vvv). Verbose output is always sent to stdout. (default: None) --info-log Set info-level verbosity (equivalent to -v). (default: None) --debug-log Set debug-level verbosity (equivalent to -vv). (default: None) --trace-log Set trace-level verbosity (equivalent to -vvv). (default: None) subcommands: Which action you wish to perform. To get detailed help, add 'help' to the end. For example: 'scsctl auth help' options: auth Manages persisted credentials for contacting the Platform API. backup Manages backing up and restoring the Platform service. diagnostics Performs diagnostics on the Platform server setup. init Utilities for setting up a Swarm environment. license Manages the license for this Swarm ecosystem installation. repo Manages the Platform repository. The repository contains installed component versions and other third-party software. system Performs administrative operations on the system. help Outputs this help and exits. ERROR: Cannot connect to the Platform API service at Please ensure the service is up and running.
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