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# gateway.cfg -- configuration file for Caringo CloudScaler Gateway server 
# Please read the CloudScaler Gateway Administration Guide for an explanation 
# of the parameters in this configuration file. 
# Basic Configuration Steps: 
# ------------------------- 
#   1. Set '[gateway]adminDomain' to administrative domain's name 
#   2. Use the Swarm static locator for the backend cluster: 
#        - Set '[storage_cluster]locatorType' to 'static' 
#        - Set '[storage_cluster]hosts' for your Swarm nodes 
#   3. Configure the Elasticsearch metadata backend: 
#        - Set '[storage_cluster]indexerHosts' to the metadata search servers 
#   4. If the S3 protocol is used: 
#        - Ensure that bindAddress:bindPort does not conflict with SCSP 
# NOTE: For production use, you will need to adjust the thread counts, 
#       connection limits, connection time outs, and the space/limits 
#       for the HTTP multi-part spool. 

# Client communications and handling 

adminDomain = Lab1GatewayAdminDomain 
threads = 200 
# multipartSpoolDir = /var/spool/cloudgateway 
# multipartUsageAllowed = 50 
# sanitizeErrors = false 
# enablePasswordEncryption = false 
# legacyOnlyMode = false
# Storage cluster back-end configuration

locatorType = static 
hosts =
# port = 80
# dataProtection = immediate
# blockUndeletableWrites = true

indexerHosts =
# indexerPort = 9200
# indexerSocketTimeout = 120

# maxConnectionsPerRoute = 100 
# maxConnections = 250
# connectTimeout = 60
# socketTimeout = 120
# idleTimeout = 120
# continueWaitTimeout = 30

# Following are only needed when enabling cluster_admin 
managementPort = 91
managementUser = dcadminadmin
managementPassword = datacore

# SCSP front-end protocol

enabled = true 
bindAddress = 
bindPort = 80

# Set the following if this Gateway is the target of a push-style replication feed.
# See 'Replication Feeds' in the Swarm documentation for details.
# allowSwarmAdminIP = list,of,node,ips -or- all
allowSwarmAdminIP = all

# Set these to the external ports on your proxy, if using one 
#externalHTTPPort = 80 
#externalHTTPSPort = 443 

# S3 front-end protocol

enabled = true 
bindAddress = 
bindPort = 8090

# Set these to the external ports on your proxy, if using one 
#externalHTTPPort = 80 
#externalHTTPSPort = 443

# Cluster management protocol 

enabled = true 
bindAddress = 
bindPort = 91
# secretKey = yoursecretkeyhere

# Set these to the external ports on your proxy, if using one 
#externalHTTPPort = 91 
#externalHTTPSPort = 1443 

# Internal "folder listing service" config

# enhancedListingConsistency = true     # force ES index flush before query 
# feedCheckInterval = 60000             # in milliseconds, how often to check for non-searchable domains (search feed filters) 
# suppressNonSearchableError = false    # suppress 412 error when searching non-searchable domain 

# Caching timers : 0 == disabled 

# authRefresh = 300 
# tokenRefresh = 300 
# idsysRefresh = 300 
# policyRefresh = 300 
# xformRefresh = 300 
# metadataRefresh = 300 
# domainExistenceRefresh = 300

# Metering Support 

enabled = true 
# flushIntervalSeconds = 300 
# retentionDays = 100 
# storageSampleIntervalSeconds = 3600 

# Quota Support 

enabled = false 
smtpHost = localhost 
mailFrom = donotreply@localhost 

# mailSubjectTemplate = Quota state change notification 
# mailTemplate = Metric %metric% changed to %state% state in %contextType% %contextName%.

# smtpPort = 25 
# smtpUser = 
# smtpPassword = 

# minRefreshDeadline = 60 
# maxRefreshDeadline = 3600 
# numRefreshThreads = 4 
# maxRefreshRetries = 3 
# maxQueueSize = 10000 
# queryTTL = 3600 
# refreshRetryDelay = 10 
# refreshIdleSleep = 3

# Prometheus metrics capturing support 

metricsEnabled = true     # default enabled 
# metricsPort = 9100        # port where to scrape for metrics 

# Remote synchronous write support (RSW) 

# enabled = true            # default enabled
# maxWaitTime = -1          # timeout in seconds to wait for RSW completion, -1 means no timeout
# enableInfoLogging = true  # default true, log RSW operations at INFO level

# Object Lock Support (Retention, LegalHold)

# scspDeleteUsesS3Logic = true  # Allows delete of a locked current object version (via delete marker)
# retentionMaxYears = 100       # Max retention duration 
