Alternative engine IP addresses may be provided on the FileFly NetApp Cluster-mode Config 'Advanced' tab if filer communication is to be performed on a different IP address than that used for Admin Portal to FPolicy Server communication. This allows each node to have two IP addresses. Care must be taken that ALL communication – in both directions – between filer and FileFly FPolicy Server node occurs using the engine address.
Ordinarily, one IP address per server is sufficient. Contact Caringo DataCore Support if an advanced network configuration is required.
From any tab, click the about icon in the top right corner to access the 'About' page. This page contains information about the FileFly Tools installation, including file locations and memory usage information.
The page also enables the generation of a support.zip file containing your encrypted system configuration and licensing state. Caringo DataCore Support may request this file to assist in troubleshooting any configuration or licensing issues.
Log location and rotation options may be adjusted if required. Debug mode may impact performance and should only be enabled following advice from Caringo DataCore Support.
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Before contacting Caringo DataCore Support, please review log files for error messages.
If an issue cannot be resolved after reviewing the logs, contact Caringo DataCore Support at: https://supportdatacore.caringocusthelp.com/
Include the following information in any support request (where possible):