Aggregates | Units | Description | Accuracy | ||
logicalObjects | count | The number of unique objects (including historical versions) stored for the entire cluster. Each content object counts only as 1, regardless of the number of replicas or EC segments that comprise it. | Approaches the actual number of logical objects in the cluster, minus context (domain, bucket) objects.
| ||
logicalSpace | MB | The logical space stored for the entire cluster, including historical versions (which are separate objects). | Includes both the data and the persisted headers on each object, with header newlines counting as two characters (‘\r\n’). EC encoded objects may include a small overage. | ||
logicalUnprocessed | count | The number of streams in the cluster that have not been accounted for in After implementation, it drops until it catches up, approaching zero. | When compared to the number of streams in the cluster, allows rough verification of other statistics, especially following the first boot after it is implemented. |
Volume Metrics | Units | Description |
logical_objects | count | The number of unique objects (including historical versions) stored for the entire cluster. Each content object counts only as 1, regardless of the number of replicas or EC segments that comprise it. |
logical_space | bytes | The logical space stored for the entire cluster. The logical_space value is in bytes, not MB, for greater accuracy. |
logical_unprocessed | count | The number of streams (replicas, EC segments, etc.) in the cluster that have not been counted for |