version 4.0 | document revision 1
A Task schedules one or more Policies for execution. Tasks can be scheduled to run at specific times, or can be run on-demand via the Quick Run control on the 'Dashboard'.
While a Task is running, its status is displayed in the 'Running Tasks' panel of the 'Dashboard'. When Tasks finish they are moved to the 'Recent Tasks' panel.
Operation statistics are updated in real time as the task runs. Operations will automatically be executed in parallel, see E for more details.
If multiple Tasks are scheduled to start simultaneously, Policies on each Source are grouped such that only a single traversal of each file system is required.
'Primary' and 'Secondary' storage charts may be read together to gain insight into the impact of currently configured migration policies on primary and secondary storage consumption over time. Each bar indicates an amount of storage space consumed or released. Consumed storage is indicated by a positive bar, while released storage is shown in the negative. Stacked bars indicate the contributions of the different operations by color.
For instance, a A Migration Policy consumes secondary storage in order to release primary storage.
By contrast, demigration consumes primary storage immediately, but defers release until later. Specifically, either the primary storage is released by a Quick-Remigrate, or the associated secondary storage is released by a Scrub.
In a complex environment, these charts provide insight into patterns of user-behavior and policy activity.
Click on a bar to zoom in to an hourly breakdown for the chosen day.
Installation of the FileFly LinkConnect Server software requires careful configuration of both the NAS / file server and the FileFly LinkConnect Server machines. Instructions are provided in 5.4 for OneFS and 5.2 for Windows file servers. Other devices are not supported.