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ImportantThe maximum storage space in a cluster is the lesser of the two: total physical space and licensed capacity. |
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Running low on space — Two settings help stay ahead of running out of cluster capacity:
specifies what percentage of space remaining on the node should trigger triggers a warning. Set to 25% of available space by default.console.spaceErrorLevel
specifies what percentage of space remaining on the node should trigger triggers an alert. Set at 10% of available space by default.
Within an hour of reaching either of these thresholds, an announcement appears both in the logs and the UI.
Out of space — When All inbound write requests are refused when available space in the cluster reaches zero, the immediate effect is that all inbound write requests are refused. However, internal . Internal replication and relocation continue , and all previously stored data is still readable. No data is lost or corrupted.
To increase licensed capacity, contact Contact a DataCore Sales or Support representative to increase licensed capacity.