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Table of Contents


For more information about Swarm Gateway, its concepts, and operations, seeSwarm Content Gateway.


Setup CentOS for Cloud Gateway

Below is an example deployment for the site.

Minimal Mode

Host name



Application Network 

IP Address 



Install Swarm Gateway



Creating a user group/user/password applies when PAM authentication is used. You can create a user group via standard Linux user administration commands.


Code Block
# gateway.cfg -- configuration file for Caringo CloudScaler Gateway server 
# Please read the CloudScaler Gateway Administration Guide for an explanation 
# of the parameters in this configuration file. 
# Basic Configuration Steps: 
# ------------------------- 
#   1. Set '[gateway]adminDomain' to administrative domain's name 
#   2. Use the Swarm static locator for the backend cluster: 
#        - Set '[storage_cluster]locatorType' to 'static' 
#        - Set '[storage_cluster]hosts' for your Swarm nodes 
#   3. Configure the Elasticsearch metadata backend: 
#        - Set '[storage_cluster]indexerHosts' to the metadata search servers 
#   4. If the S3 protocol is used: 
#        - Ensure that bindAddress:bindPort does not conflict with SCSP 
# NOTE: For production use, you will need to adjust the thread counts, 
#       connection limits, connection time outs, and the space/limits 
#       for the HTTP multi-part spool. 

# Client communications and handling 

adminDomain = Lab1GatewayAdminDomain 
threads = 200 
# multipartSpoolDir = /var/spool/cloudgateway 
# multipartUsageAllowed = 50 
# sanitizeErrors = false 
# enablePasswordEncryption = false 
# legacyOnlyMode = false
# Storage cluster back-end configuration

locatorType = static 
hosts =
# port = 80
# dataProtection = immediate
# blockUndeletableWrites = true

indexerHosts =
# indexerPort = 9200
# indexerSocketTimeout = 120

# maxConnectionsPerRoute = 100 
# maxConnections = 250
# connectTimeout = 60
# socketTimeout = 120
# idleTimeout = 120
# continueWaitTimeout = 30

# Following are only needed when enabling cluster_admin 
managementPort = 91
managementUser = dcadmin
managementPassword = datacore

# SCSP front-end protocol

enabled = true 
bindAddress = 
bindPort = 80

# Set the following if this Gateway is the target of a push-style replication feed.
# See 'Replication Feeds' in the Swarm documentation for details.
# allowSwarmAdminIP = list,of,node,ips -or- all
allowSwarmAdminIP = all

# Set these to the external ports on your proxy, if using one 
#externalHTTPPort = 80 
#externalHTTPSPort = 443 

# S3 front-end protocol

enabled = true 
bindAddress = 
bindPort = 8090

# Set these to the external ports on your proxy, if using one 
#externalHTTPPort = 80 
#externalHTTPSPort = 443

# Cluster management protocol 

enabled = true 
bindAddress = 
bindPort = 91
# secretKey = yoursecretkeyhere

# Set these to the external ports on your proxy, if using one 
#externalHTTPPort = 91 
#externalHTTPSPort = 1443 

# Internal "folder listing service" config

# enhancedListingConsistency = true     # force ES index flush before query 
# feedCheckInterval = 60000             # in milliseconds, how often to check for non-searchable domains (search feed filters) 
# suppressNonSearchableError = false    # suppress 412 error when searching non-searchable domain 

# Caching timers : 0 == disabled 

# authRefresh = 300 
# tokenRefresh = 300 
# idsysRefresh = 300 
# policyRefresh = 300 
# xformRefresh = 300 
# metadataRefresh = 300 
# domainExistenceRefresh = 300

# Metering Support 

enabled = true 
# flushIntervalSeconds = 300 
# retentionDays = 100 
# storageSampleIntervalSeconds = 3600 

# Quota Support 

enabled = false 
smtpHost = localhost 
mailFrom = donotreply@localhost 

# mailSubjectTemplate = Quota state change notification 
# mailTemplate = Metric %metric% changed to %state% state in %contextType% %contextName%.

# smtpPort = 25 
# smtpUser = 
# smtpPassword = 

# minRefreshDeadline = 60 
# maxRefreshDeadline = 3600 
# numRefreshThreads = 4 
# maxRefreshRetries = 3 
# maxQueueSize = 10000 
# queryTTL = 3600 
# refreshRetryDelay = 10 
# refreshIdleSleep = 3

# Prometheus metrics capturing support 

metricsEnabled = true     # default enabled 
# metricsPort = 9100        # port where to scrape for metrics 

# Remote synchronous write support (RSW) 

# enabled = true            # default enabled
# maxWaitTime = -1          # timeout in seconds to wait for RSW completion, -1 means no timeout
# enableInfoLogging = true  # default true, log RSW operations at INFO level

# Object Lock Support (Retention, LegalHold)

# scspDeleteUsesS3Logic = true  # Allows delete of a locked current object version (via delete marker)
# retentionMaxYears = 100       # Max retention duration 

Cluster Initialization

Once the configuration is complete, the Gateway must be initialized to ensure a proper runtime environment. This ensures the administrative domain exists within the storage cluster and also secures all plaintext passwords entered into the configuration files.

  1. Use systemctl stop cloudgateway to ensure the Gateway is not running

  2. Run /opt/caringo/cloudgateway/bin/initgateway to perform the initialization of the environment.

  3. Once initialization has successfully completed, start Cloud gateway and ensure that the gateway service is running on the system boot.

    Code Block
    systemctl start cloudgateway 
    systemctl enable cloudgateway 


Next, setup additional gateways.