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Comment: replaced static and outdated links


  1. Using OS X brew or python pip install s3cmd Windows: Install python 2.7 and pip. For more info see README
       sudo pip install s3cmd 

  2. Verify that that s3cmd is version 1.5.2 or later:
       s3cmd --version

  3. Edit your /etc/hosts (or c:\Windows\System32\etc\hosts) file and add a mapping for your domain to your Content Gateway IP address.

  4. Edit your ~/.s3cfg file and paste into it all of these settings. Note: if you don't increase part size here, use command-line argument --multipart-chunk-size-mb=100 on s3cmd put/sync:

    # This should be your ~/.s3cfg file. It configures the s3cmd utility
    # to access your Swarm Content Gateway domain. 
    access_key = {access-key-for-token}
    secret_key = {secret-key-for-token}
    # Must use default port 80 to avoid "S3 error: 403 (SignatureDoesNotMatch)".
    # Or you can use a custom S3 port if you configure V2 signatures below.
    host_base =
    host_bucket =
    # Below format might be needed under older s3cmd versions, but requires wildcard dns.
    #host_bucket = %(bucket)
    signature_v2 = True
    check_ssl_certificate = False
    use_https = False
    # Important for improving Swarm performance and reducing storage overhead!
    multipart_chunk_size_mb = 100
  5. Remember to replace "" in all places with your actual Content Gateway domain and S3 port!
  6. Generate a new access key (token) via the Content Portal or a command-line curl, e.g.:

    # Create an S3 token that expires in 90 days, assumes gateway's scsp port is 8081
    $ curl -v -u "caringoadmin" -X POST --data-binary "" -H "X-User-Secret-Key-Meta: secret" -H "X-User-Token-Expires-Meta: +90" ""

  7. Set access_key to the 32-character token uuid and set secret_key to the secret string that was used.

  8.  You're now ready to use s3cmd to list and create buckets, and copy files in or out.

    # List all your buckets in the domain
    $ s3cmd ls ...

    # Problems connecting, signature mismatch? Show debug 
    # output to see exactly what's sent and returned.
    $ s3cmd ls -d 

    # Download all the files from your "images" bucket
    $ mkdir headshots && s3cmd get -r s3://images headshots

    # Generate a signed url that expires in an hour
    $ s3cmd signurl s3://mybucket/file.html +3600
    The bucket can be moved from the hostname into the path. It always outputs "http", but you can use "https" -- make sure your front-end proxy routes requests with the "AWSAccessKeyId" query arg to the Content Gateway S3 port.

    # List S3 multipart uploads in progress that were begun in 2015 and delete them, including parts:
    $ s3cmd multipart s3://inbox | grep '^2015-' | sed 's/ /%20/g' | awk -F$'\t' '{print $2, $3}' | xargs -p -r -t -n 2 s3cmd abortmp
