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Comment: replaced references to Caringo Connect with DataCore Downloads

Table of Contents


  1. Determine the following:
    1. What subnet Platform will manage
    2. Which network interface on the server is connected to that subnet
  2. Use the following Linux command to find the interface name:

    Code Block

  3. Document any IP addresses that should not be leased by Platform (reserved range).
    For example, for HSRP ranges: x.x.x.1-x.x.x.3 or x.x.x.252-x.x.x.254
  4. Determine the number of nodes (chassis) anticipated for this cluster and select a subnet range for their IP addresses (dynamic range).
    For example, for a cluster of 10 chassis, the subnet range might be: x.x.x.240 - x.x.x.249
  5. From Caringo Connect, download Download the latest bundle from the Downloads section on the DataCore Support Portal:
  6. Transfer the Swarm components (ZIP files) to the Platform server:
    • Platform Server (non-OVA install) —
    • Service Proxy (to host the Swarm Storage UI, if Content Gateway won't be available) —
    • Swarm Storage —


  1. Import the OVA file into your ESXi/vSphere environment. During the import process, add any network interfaces and configure as necessary.

    titlePrivate subnet

    To support a private subnet for Storage and Elasticsearch nodes, the Platform server needs both public and private network interfaces (like the dual-network CSN).

    Important: With nodes on a private subnet, you must complete Deploying a Proxy to provide access to the health report server and other network resources, such as replication feed targets, NTP servers, and DNS. Without an interface into that private network, the Swarm UI cannot be accessed by an external browser.

  2. Once the OVA is imported and booted for the first time, configure the networking as necessary within the OS. You can ssh into the Platform server using the following username/password: caringoadmin/caringo
  3. Once the networking configuration is done and validated, run the following command where STORAGE_NIC_IP is the static IP of the NIC that is connected to the storage network:

    Code Block
    sudo /opt/ -i STORAGE_NIC_IP 

    titleOffline mode

    If the server cannot access the Internet, use Offline mode by adding the -o flag when running


    If you enter the wrong IP address in the above command, the bootstrap command will be caught waiting and not return. See "Bootstrap Command Hangs" in Legacy Platform Troubleshooting.

  4. When the script has finished, reboot the Platform Server.


  1. Unless you are installing in offline mode, verify that there is at least 300 MB space available to run the bootstrap command, which will download updates from the Internet.
  2. Once you have the interface name, you can list all of the available CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing, or supernetting) network addresses:

    Code Block
    platform list subnets --all

  3. Run the bootstrap command for the Swarm Platform environment, which includes preparing Swarm Storage for deployment to managed nodes. 

    Code Block
    platform bootstrap -i PATH_TO_STORAGE_ZIP -v VERSION
    • Path — The Swarm Storage ZIP file for this command is located in the \Storage folder within the download. The filename has this form: You may change the version of Swarm Storage at any point after the bootstrap completes.

    • Version — Version of Swarm Storage, in the form #.#.#.
    • DHCP Subnet — The DHCP subnet CIDR calculated above. The platform list subnets  command will give you the proper format:

      Code Block
      $ platform list subnets --all

      If the storage subnet is 192.168.68.x, then use

    • Dynamic Range — Use the dynamic range IPs you found in step 4 of the Installation Checklist, above.


      The Dynamic Range specified in the bootstrap command must contain at least 10 IP addresses and also cover less than 25% of the total address space for the subnet. Taking up more than 25% of the addresses could result in too few IP addresses to boot Storage chassis. You can use a --force flag to force use of a range that violates these rules, but do so with caution.


      The DHCP range is necessarily contiguous based on the STARTING_IP_RANGE and ENDING_IP_RANGE.   The IP ranges allocated for Storage nodes can be non-contiguous by reserving IPs with the "platform add iprange" command as shown below.   Be careful not to define a DHCP range that includes your Platform server's Swarm-managed network interface.

  4. If you have other IP addresses on the same network that will not be managed by Swarm Platform, create a reserved IP range so that their IP addresses cannot be allocated for Storage nodes:

    Code Block
    platform add iprange -a STARTING_IP_RESERVED -z ENDING_IP_RESERVED 


    Although you can run these commands at any time, doing so after chassis have been deployed means that you won't be able to reserve IPs that have already been allocated to Storage chassis.

    If you need to reserve IPs that have already been allocated to Storage chassis, you must release and redeploy the chassis. See instructions for Temporary Removal of a Chassis in Legacy Platform Administration.

  5. Before deploying Swarm, upload a valid license in order for Swarm to boot successfully.

    Code Block
    platform upload license -f PATH_TO_LICENSE_TXT 
